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Posts posted by Walker88

  1. 57 minutes ago, uncletiger said:


    (Sidenote: For those of you who are already awake and aware of what is going on with the plan to take back America, consider that Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies. He then gave a speech which lasted exactly 34 minutes. #34 is one of the most provocative Q drops ever released, and also happens to equal 17x2 (phase 2). It seems phase 1 may finally be over, and we are about to enter phase 2 of this plan. Buckle up. The next 6 months are going to be brutal, but necessary. )



    Hey, perhaps you didn't notice this, so let me fill you in...(just between you and me, okay fella?)


    The 34th President was Eisenhower, whose initials are D D E, the 4th, 4th, and 5th letters of the alphabet. Add them up and it's 13, or "M". M is a major character in James Bond movies, where they also have a guy named Q.


    Eerie, isn't it!

    • Haha 2
  2. 10 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    Truly biased with cognitively damaged irrational thinking - the point is Dems have denied elections - it is not just Trump.  

    Try the youtube videos that show Dems denying 2016 result - go on - do yourself a favour.  

    I might have missed it, but did those Dems storm the Capitol, beat 140 cops and try to assassinate elected officials?


    Maybe Al Gore did that when the Supreme Court ruled on hanging chads in Florida? I cannot recall.


    There have been 40 some odd 'peaceful transitions of power' in the history of the United States. There is only one where the loser did everything he could to stop that peaceful transition, and continues to whine and lie about his loss to this day.


    Quiz: Who is the whining loser?

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  3. 16 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:


    Most Americans support their freedoms and rights - they know what this means when even someone like Trump can be 'taken down'.



    Let me paraphrase Bill Maher:


    Next time I cheat on my 3rd wife with a pornstar, pay her off to keep quiet and book the payments fraudulently, all while I'm running for President, I'll remember that.


    Another example: Fixer Michael Cohen does prison time for carrying out the instructions of his boss, but MAGAs think holding the boss accountable is some sort of witch hunt.


    The now-convicted felon is being handled with kid gloves, largely because HE weaponized justice with his appointments. (Barr fired SDNY att Berman for his intent to go after "Individual One" in the hush money crime, delaying the eventual trial from 2018 to 2024.)


    ANYONE who stole such a massive amount of highly classified documents would be jailed pending trial, no matter how long it took for a 'friendly' judge to delay any trial date.


    How about the fake elector scheme? Fomenting the terrorist attack on the US Capitol? Endless delays and now a largely hand-picked (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett) and highly partial (Alito) Supreme Court is delaying the DC trial while they consider "immunity"? Or maybe endless suits related to an office romance that has zero to do with the criminality in trying to subvert the voters' will in Georgia?


    What all this shows all too clearly is that the US is not, or no longer, a nation where all are equal under the law. At least one guy, until this week, seems to be above it....and has even petitioned the Supreme Court to put that into law.


    But wait, there's more....Speaker Johnson, at the request of the convicted felon, is writing up a Bill that would make "former Presidents" immune from any prosecution, not matter when it occurred, for life. It's kind of trying to turn the US Constitution into the Magna Carta, where 'monarchs' are above the law.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Presnock said:

    other than Thai law which is very specific and most likely will no change in our lifetime

    American citizens are allowed to own 100% of a business per the Treaty of Amity. The Treaty was first signed in 1833, and extended again in 1966. Most law firms in Thailand know how to register a company under the Treaty.


    Elsewhere, the numbers as they appear in the article seem odd. 270 companies would provide 'shelter' for more than 68 Russians, so likely there is more to come. Also, any company employing a non-Thai/non-ASEAN (who has a registered/legal Work Permit) must employ 4 Thai nationals for every foreigner with a Work Permit. 


    I'm not sure this is related, but the renewal application for my own Work Permit has blossomed in size in the last year, with numerous onerous requirements. What used to be a simple couple of forms is now a 100 page tome, listing every employee, the most recent company tax return, proof of VAT payments, proof of Social Security payments for Thai employees, a copy of the DBD registration, shareholder list, bank statements...even the transcript from the last year of my highest university degree. Oh, and a Certificate of health from a hospital stating a long list of diseases I do not have.


    Similarly, the Non B Business Visa renewal application has similarly blossomed in size, now topping 150 pages, including 'action photos' of the applicant pretending to issue orders, mull over key business decisions, etc.


    Perhaps the additional requirements relate back to this ongoing "Operation Nominee Sweep".

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  5. 19 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    I disagree. If Biden had not saddled himself with Harris as VP, he would have been gone. I think that was the assumption anyway in 2020- he was the steady hand needed during the pandemic. Then he would gracefully hand over power to the next generation. Too late now though. 

    The Dems have no bench, while the Repubs lack both a bench and starters.

    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    The chances of Trump being incarcerated even without becoming POTUS is IMO infinitesimal. The Secret Service will see to that, IMO.

    Your opinion has no basis in fact. The SS has one job: to offer protection to their charge wherever he is. They have zero control over where law enforcement might send him. They have zero authority to dictate where he can or cannot go.


    Should Judge Merchan sentence the convicted felon to prison, room would be made for SS agents to live in the same facility, though unlike the criminal, the agents would be free to come and go.

    • Agree 2
  7. 2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    Simplistic ... but we all / intelligent people, know what is really at stake.


    Here's a hint;

    ... Snowden

    ... Manning

    ... Assange

    ... JFK

    ... RFK

    ... now Trump

    ... so many more before them


    Don't dare go against or expose the system of control, or pay dearly


    Goodness. You really subscribe to the fringe conspiracies.


    Snowden is always good for a laugh. As soon as he loses his propaganda value to putin, he'll be given the Edward Lee Howard treatment, which is an at-home tumble down the stairs resulting in his death.


    I always laugh at people who think the NSA cares they exist or keeps watch on them. The same people willingly give their life's details away on social media, or algorithms are run on their shopping and credit card use to create a picture of them for advertisers. SOme people actually drive Chnese-made cars, totally oblivious to the fact every conversation they have inside their car is recorded and forwarded to the MSS via the manufacturer. It is aimed at domestic dissidents so the CCP can monitor its own people, but it also exists in every Chinese vehicle shipped anywhere in thre world.


    But the NSA !!!!! Blah Blah Blah.

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