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Posts posted by Walker88

  1. It's a worthy proxy if for no other reason it begins to hold trump accountable for his lifetime of crime and fraud. It also lets him be him, which means a whining little crybaby where everything is UNFAIR! and a WITCHHUNT!.


    Other than the captured goober cultists, independents are already tiring of donny's constant whining, so this trial will give them yet more reasons to put him aside and toss him in the dustbin of history.


    His projection is also on full display, as calling his opponent "Sleepy" just hands trump a mirror. His courtroom flatulence isn't winning him any accolades either. Jimmy Kimmel joked about "Gasolini" that "you have the right to remain silent and deadly".


    When fart jokes become a component of your campaign, the end is nigh.

  2. 1 hour ago, impulse said:


    Blitzer's cover of the attack on Bagdad is what put CNN on the map.  But it's been downhill since.  Now, CNN is just a media arm of the DNC.


    In the interest of accuracy, it was Bernard Shaw:


    "The skies over Baghdad have been illuminated"


    The late Shaw was in a Baghdad hotel room with Peter Arnett as the first Gulf War began.

  3. To get a glimpse into how embarrassing this trial could be for trump, here's a visit to the Jimmy Kimmel show by Stormy Daniels from a few years ago, while trump was President, where she discusses her (alleged) affair with trump. Kimmel presents her with a display of various mushrooms and asks her to identify the one most closely resembling trump. He would not like that, if something similar comes up in the trial, which it absolutely will if the defense decides to continue denying that the affair took place. trump could likely avoid this sort of theater if the defense just admits trump lied and that the affair did happen. Claim that trump felt contrite and didn't want to hurt Melania, and the charges could be reduced to a misdemeanor. Hold fast to the "No Affair" defense, and Stormy will take the stand and expose trump's shortcomings.


    What will make it worse is that Stormy is now quite angry, as she has been receiving a constant bombardment of death threats against her and even against her daughter from trumpers. That anger likely will mean she holds nothing back while under oath.


    trump, just by existing, is an embarrassment to the US, but to have his micro-junk described in intimate detail really isn't going to gain him the swing vote in November.


    Frankly, the Republicans could win in November if they dumped trump and replaced him with a sane and thoughtful candidate, such as Mitt, or the former Gov of Maryland Hogan, or even the architect of the Border Bill that the House shot down (Sen Lankford). Stick with micro-junk trump, and they've got themselves a loser.



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