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Posts posted by Walker88

  1. On 7/2/2020 at 6:45 AM, riclag said:

    I hear ya and I disagree > I'll trade you a  SHARYL ATTKISSON opinion piece from the Hill  and a  military  experts opinion for your March 2017 opinion article of  Vox ,ok! I'm gonna leave it at that !





    Does Sharyl Attkisson have a TS/SCI clearance? Is she an SIS-5 with lots of time on the 7th Floor?


    I'm going to go out on a limb and guess "No to all", and stay with the SIS-5 7th Floor denizen, since I 'happen to know that individual', who knows all the recent DCIs, DDCIs, Ex-Dirs, etc. and is included on just about every Bigot List still in existence. Heck, the individual even has a Q clearance, which despite a widely held belief in the moonbat regions of the Dark Web, is merely a clearance given by the Dept of Energy to allow access into nuke matters, and it is hardly some super duper turbocharged members-only special access into the deepest secrets of this or any other known Universe.


    I believe I might know the genesis of the 'tapping' issue, other than 45's fertile, deceitful and addled imagination.  Some 70% of all owners of condos in 45's eponymous tower are Russian mafia, who have long run various racketeering operations out of their 'home offices'. Since they engage in everything from money laundering to illegal gambling to drug running to contract killing, they have drawn the attention of US Law Enforcement, whether local and State police agencies or the Bureau. It is possible that one of these entities did 'tap' the criminals that call 45's tower home, and some people---including Fake News (fun to use that term!) spewers like sharyl attkisson and The Hill---could have erroneously extrapolated legitimate police work into some wild conspiracy theory. That, of course, is giving them the benefit of the doubt, when it's just as likely they simply made stuff up.


    Personally, I wonder the ethics of an entity that has no problem selling property---in cash---to a host of people who even a 5 year old would surmise are not society's best, and about whom a simple Google search would show rap sheets that would make Eminem's writing desk look bare.

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  2. Maxwell's lawyer stated Thursday evening that AG barr requested to speak with Maxwell after her arrest, but Maxwell's lawyer refused to allow barr to see her.


    One should find it odd that the AG would take such a special interest in this case, particularly after recently firing the Chief of SDNY. That the fired prosecutor Berman made a point of stating, upon his removal, that 'all cases currently being investigated by SDNY will continue unabated' also seems like something that should grab one's attention.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Stocky said:

    Indeed my choice.

    We all die, that's a certainty. If you want to live on raw carrots and water splendid, up to you as they say, you might well live to be a 100, though even if you don't I'm sure it will seem like it.

    Raw carrots and water is not the diet of people who are not overweight. 


    The diet of non-fat people is likely quite similar to yours, save for fewer calories overall and maybe less interest is sugary stuff or foods loaded with HFCS.  Pizza, pasta, Panang Gai, French bread, a nice beef filet, cheeses, naan and buttery dal, miso ramen, an occasional cheeseburger.....all can be enjoyed while maintaining a healthy weight and not risking Type II diabetes.

  4. This "Tourism Minister" seems to pretend the wealthy don't come to Thailand for the agogos and escorts, as if the wealthy don't have their peccadilloes.


    Wealth and its often concomitant power allow one to feed one's appetites. He should know, as it's likely many of his fellow leaders have their university age mia nois luxuriating in a Bangkok condo while waiting for 'daddy' to sneak away for an afternoon tryst.


    Certainly a man of his 'sophistication' knows that the "Gentlemen's Clubs" of London and NY are not filled with truck drivers getting thousand dollar lap dances, but rather $10 million/year Investment bankers and hedge fund managers, i.e., the super wealthy.


    The well off, perhaps as much or more than anyone, like to get down and dirty.  Birds do it, bees do it, and the uber rich definitely do it.

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  5. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0965-6


    According to this article, based on a Chinese study of those infected earliest with Covid-19, immunity gained via antibodies may only last 2-3 months.


    The figure for SARS is 1 year and for MERS 34 months.


    If this initial research is correct, the idea of 'herd immunity' is almost pointless, and even a vaccine may be of limited short term value, since the purpose of a vaccine is to have the body produce antibodies.


    The negative implications of this early research are staggering.

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