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Posts posted by Walker88

  1. 11 hours ago, Ron jeremy said:

    Save you BS for someone else. There is no attraction from a young gal to 60-70 year old men. When was the last time the gals on stage screamed when an old geezer walked into a gogo?  

    Let me put the shoe on the other foot, were you attracted to 60-70 year old woman when you were 20?

    have you ever been attracted to 60-70 year old woman?

    there is no way in hell a young lady is after anything more than money.

    get a grip Adonis! 

    Though you are likely correct in a grand sense, sometimes what you think is 'logic' is a belief based on false assumptions.


    You might want to look up 'sociobiology', something first brought to prominence by E.O. Wilson.


    First, reality: the purpose of life is more life. Boil it down to its basics, and that's it. That means instinct is the driving force of existence. Instinct is geared towards reproducing one's gene pool. 'Selection' of a mate---what we romantics like to call "attraction"---is really just instinct: What sexual partner is most likely to produce a superior being who will carry my genetic contribution forward? Dress it up however you want, but that's what attraction is all about. Good looks, nice body....what they really say is: superior gene pool.


    Yes, a man is unlikely to be attracted to a 60-70 year old woman. The reason is less aesthetic than it is biological. At that age the woman is past the age of fertility. Mating with her is biologically useless. Men, OTOH, can pass on their gene pool until death. That does not make them an attractive partner, but a man slightly long in the tooth, who is in shape, handsome, and shows minimal effects of aging, is a genetic marvel and much in demand, because his gene pool is clearly of a strong and superior nature. Scientific studies bear this out. Lots of 20 year old women would be attracted to Brad Pitt or George Clooney, or Richard Gere until recently, despite two being 50+ and Gere almost 70. Toss in Ken Watanabe to add some ethnic diversity. The women may not understand why (it's genetic), they just know they are attracted. Perhaps not all women, but a good many.


    Attraction in a biological sense has many oddities, not just age-related. Depending on where a woman is in her monthly menstrual cycle, she will be drawn to a different type of man. At some points in the cycle she will be attracted to cute; at other times she'll be drawn toward uber virile. Remember that Donna Summer song 'Hot Stuff'? "Wanna bring a wild man back home"? A sociobiologist, hearing that, would be able to tell you where a woman is in her monthly cycle. She doesn't want 16-year old Leonardo di Caprio, she wants the 40 year old version because she's feeling freaky.


    At what age does a man become 'too old' to attract a 20 year old looking for a fit gene pool contribution?  45? 50? 60? It probably depends on---the man's gene pool and how well he has taken care of himself.


    Studies have shown the trait women find most attractive in a man is a high shoulder-to-waist ratio. The least attractive is a protruding belly. These preferences were measured not by poll but by measuring eye movement and brain wave activity. Notice that 50+ Brad Pitt is still 'cut' or 'ripped'.


    So....for the older gents out there.....hit the gym. Eat right. Use good cleansers and face creams to minimize wrinkles. Avoid the aging sun. Do that and you maximize your chance of having a 20 year old get all hot and bothered over you into your Golden Years. Even if all these efforts fail in the quest for bedding the woman of your dreams, at the very least you'll be healthy and fit. As for young guys---get started now keeping yourself fit, because your urge to merge isn't going to ebb at 40.

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  2. 45 probably doesn't even know the internet is international in scope, and there is absolutely nothing he could do to block Twitter. If he somehow sicked his private lawyer on Twitter (the guy formerly known as the Attorney General), Twitter could move to Canada or another country where private enterprise is championed and where the leadership not only is above the age of consent, but also acts like an adult. If 45 still tried to block it, Americans could easily access it on TOR or another tunneling proxy.


    Freedom wins, 45 loses. A taste of this November.

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  3. Exports means movement of already-manufactured goods, so export numbers alone do not give an indication of the current state of the economy. Also, many export contracts are longer term and so as long as the foreign buyer hasn't gone bust, contractual exports continue. One can also effect baht totals by changing the accounting mix, whether "first in, first out" or "last in, first out". So long as the methodology is consistent at every level (govt, industry) then numbers can be compared over time, but if the methodology changes at any level, the numbers can be misleading.


    What matters in terms of the actual current state of the economy is manufacturing numbers, replacement of exported inventory, etc. Initial numbers on auto production showed a 30 year low in April, so the current state of the economy is likely not reflected in steady export numbers. Also, with unemployment levels being what they are, domestic consumption likely fell markedly.


    I believe the stated numbers for the degree of contraction in the economy are quite overstated. Given the total collapse of the int'l tourist flow, combined with the drop in manufacturing and the loss of consumer buying power, a GDP decline of 35% is believable for the 2nd Quarter, and perhaps 20% for the year, depending on when the world opens up again. Export-driven economies are likely to be the worst hit, even if the virus did not hit a country particularly hard.


    I'm also a little puzzled by the fact the govt is talking about issuing new trillion baht worth of bonds (~$31 billion). One begins to wonder what the true state of govt finances are vs stated figures.

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