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    da k0k

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  1. have you heard trump speak recently? His attacks are entirely ad hominem. the man is unable to discuss policy.
  2. FFS sake you'd think the trump campaign would learn not to use unauthorized music?
  3. There was a time I would have been pleased by this, but there is so much political fokkery going on with the Thai courts, I fear the reasons behind it.
  4. not what i expected when i read "thai woman caught lying"
  5. nah, its just passive aggressive BS
  6. WTF is wrong with "Thai netizens" misereable cnuts one and all
  7. many in Surin, especilaly older folk speak Suay
  8. Almost 30 years ago there was a branch in Siam square.
  9. he seems much more on it than you recommending a tired old thai live entertainment franchise for a night out.
  10. absolutely nothing worth of note or censure apparently. Just living a quiet life under the radar. poor <deleted>. Now he is well and truly buggered
  11. good god you have become a festival of cringe as time passes.
  12. if only someone had thought to simply ask him to step aside years ago.
  13. what part of this headline is unclear to you?
  14. You would think that someone with such a keenly enquiring mind would have the common sense to click through and read the full story before positing.
  15. yeah sure, and if that had not been included in the story you would be up in arms because they had not rules suidice out.
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