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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. I reckon this list tells us more about your own foibles than any of bobs leanings
  2. Im sorry are you simple, perhaps high?? what does this have to do with you original post or any of the gibberish you added later have to do with the introduction of universal emergency care for tourists?
  3. I don't think you could get much further off base, but explain to me how providing tourists with emergency medical care is a cash grab.
  4. reading here may suggest different.
  5. ol fred could never admit to being wrong
  6. i don't see anything that suggests that in the linked news articles.
  7. indeed. the wise man makes investment decisions based on seasonal pranks
  8. it is very good, but it works because it is so very possible.
  9. Gotta be April fools, but too close to home.
  10. No, not really Ill ask again what does ladyboys stabbing each other have to do with tourist quality?
  11. FFS -- these posts should come with a clear warning so we know to move on.
  12. read it again tiger
  13. Perhaps its time you review your understanding of the term.
  14. Puntid Tantivangphaisal (aka Chat GPT) needs to take a deep breath. Nobody needs a news story written in the style of the inimitable Dan Brown.
  15. So it all boils down to day drinking and paid sex.
  16. To the contrary, it doesn't get much more American.
  17. if only
  18. who the fok are you to talk? you have been posting emojis and abusing the apostrophe on here since the beginning of time.
  19. and one wonders why the focus has shifted to misbehaving farangs and nominee companies. misdirection at it finest.
  20. blah fookin blah
  21. I brought two bikes over on the HQ 10 years ago watching them carry my VFR 400r across a tiny gangplank was terrifying. They told me up front they took no responsibility if they dropped it. Anything identifiable as a rental bike would likely rate a call to the owner from the haadrin queen
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