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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. an epically smug response. well done.
  2. you just can't help yourself, can you? i reiterate: affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important. "a pompous ass who pretends he knows everything"
  3. I have become increasingly aware of how expensive vegetables are compared to proteins. My veg budget has outstripped what i spend on meat in the past few years. asparagus, avocados or even bell peppers are waaaay more expensive than chicken
  4. what kind of madman suggests ANYTHING Norton? for that matter what are all these recommendations to use useless bloatware from a bygone era like Glars, CCcleaner etc etc. just restore the PC
  5. its like comparing turds with nostalgic value
  6. you truly are a hoot. shoe seems to fit though. cheers fred me old mucker Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · pomp·ous/ˈpämpəs/ adjective affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important. "a pompous ass who pretends he knows everything"
  7. my but you do go on. I couldn't give two fox about your grammar, fred my boy, nor did I bring it up. Its your pomposity and poor turn of phrase that irk me
  8. ah, verbosity, thy name is fred. if capitalization was so important to you, you should have thought of that when you selected a username, don't you think?
  9. great choice of words there, fred, no really.
  10. Im sorry, but I just can't fathom the stupidity of a government scraping the barrel for tax revenue, implementing and removing travel taxes, and then kissing a cash cow like the taxation of cannabis goodbye. the sheer stupidity of legalizing the drug without regulations or a tax infrastructure in place boggles the mind.
  11. actually Ben, there is this funny little scientifically documented thing called intersex. About 2 percent of the population according to some. People who are intersex may have a mix of chromosomes, such as XXY. Or they may have some cells that are XY and some cells that are XX. Or they may have just one X chromosome (XO). Other combinations can occur too. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/16324-intersex
  12. Actually, I think you are winning. By a large margin.
  13. More than one crime here, a year old 13 year old should not be supporting an extended family.
  14. And I have been doing it longer, but have neither considered myself a digital nomad, nor a back packer with a laptop so why would I take offense?
  15. agreed, it is simply richer, especially with my morning espresso. I was a committed meji blue drinker until one day it was out of stock and I picked up a jug of mMilk. I have gone back to Meji when mMilk is out of stock, but I think there is a significant difference in taste.
  16. what is this farang size you speak of? I don't know anyone who has trouble finding clothes unless they are morbidly obese or exceedingly tall.
  17. I'm amazed at how desperate the current government is to introduce new taxes and tariffs rather than trying to collect existing taxes that nobody pays. First the tax on foreign remittance, now this. When you look at it in the context of the bureaucratic ineptitude that opened the floodgates on a cash cow like the cannabis trade without a mechanism in place to regulate or tax the billions of baht worth of sales there, it is even more of a head-scratcher.
  18. Ah, its just nice to have a Thaksin led government back in power to put pesky foreigners back in their place.
  19. indeed, what people post is often an indication of the type of person they are. take you for example.
  20. why not get her the hell out of that school before taking additional steps?
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