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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. but publishing that he was high on meth highlights a way bigger problem and doesn't fit with the anti-marijuana narrative conservatives are pushing.
  2. What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you blind to the greater context? how can you not see that the media is working overtime to normalize anti-foreign sentiment and it is not a matter of "I am a good, law-abiding boy and my mommy loves me." How are you not aware of a different flavor of scrutiny as you go about your day-to-day business? The Phuket govt has already admitted categorically that it is engaged in a crackdown specifically targeting foreigners How can you not see that the policies implemented by a Thaksin-led government are already negatively affecting you? Im not saying you should be paranoid or afraid but ffs, be aware.
  3. I'm aware of the context and I'm not offended, I'm disgusted. I'm also unsure why it is so important to you that we all know you can still get it up.
  4. because its a reasonable suggestion. if she wants him to sign she should give up the ring.
  5. I can't even fathom feeling the need to share this here.
  6. <deleted>faced early, i reckon.
  7. they hit you up on your next ride
  8. they do. you get deducted if you have a card on file or you get stung on your next ride with the cancellation charge
  9. actually not so much. house and techno sure, EDM not so much except in the most commercial of environments.
  10. it was much more Thai last time I seriously went out there, It has been a while
  11. i must admit i thought the same thing. even mental images can be difficult to unsee
  12. tell us more about this garbage music? Could it be possible that we have codgers on this thread spanning multiple generations? late 90's early 2000's Kahosan was for picking up nubile young traveler, girls taking em back to the house offering them a hot bath/shower and a night of air con. lovely
  13. nor will you be missed, youth is for the young
  14. Congratulations, you are a codger. Other than that, I really don't see how this is much different than it ever was. The last time I hit Khao San freshly post-COVID, I found it dull and depressing with very little going on. Good to hear it's making a comeback. As for the music, it has always been lowest common denominator <deleted>,
  15. Lithuim would make more sense if not prohibited by cost
  16. Paranoid I know, and playing devil's advocate, but what if the news for Songkran looks like this? British man arrested for inappropriate sexual behavior during Khaosan road celebrations Swedish pickup driver kills 4 intoxicated Austrian man attacks Thai revelers
  17. username checks out. I'm not certain many here understand the potential Pandora's box that has been opened. i am not alarmist, nor am i prone to conspiracy theories but I can sometimes see patterns or a bigger picture. its not about I'm a good boy, why would they come for me. it's about understanding the circumstances under which they could change your life if it went that far. The whole Swiss guy thing has now become a rallying point for an us vs them dialogue that can only damage what already seems to be a fragile status quo. As a political tool, laying a groundwork of mutual dislike and distrust could pave the way for a government that has already significantly undermined expats here with its new tax laws to make life even more difficult. Whats next?
  18. They certainly aren't published here or anywhere online daily with this frequency, those were all taken right off the first page of unread.
  19. Interesting. I worked in a Thai company for 12 years ending around 2007 or 2008. Would I be eligible for the coverage I wonder? I have a pesky pre-existing condition that could bite me on the ass. Where would I ask?
  20. Seems our swiss mate David is leaving a lasting legacy that does not involve elephants Australian man under investigation for road rage incident near Bangkok (video) Illegal British Tour Guide Arrested in Karon Swiss Man who Allegedly Assaulted Elderly Woman Banned from Leaving Thailand Tourists capturing marine life for social media face legal action Russian Woman Arrested Illegally Working at Wichit Snake Farm Russian and Belarusian Nationals Arrested for Illegally Working in Chalong Company British and Norwegian nationals arrested for illegal employment Three Russians Arrested for Allegedly Operating Beauty Clinic on Samui Island step lightly me old muckers, you are being watched
  21. Every one of "them"? I reckon its rather difficult to speak for an entire nation of street vendors -- despite your insistence on doing so.
  22. Kicking spitting and throwing things certainly isnt. and where did you get the impression free speech is a legal right in Thailand?
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