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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. indeed, we will continue to see unsubstantiated stories demonizing marijuana use until the sensationalist anti-weed lobby realize that bud is here to stay,
  2. I suppose we should all be grateful you arent opposed to wearing pants in public.
  3. it is also completely unnecessary to comment. if people voluntarily continue to wear masks, where is the harm in that. Mask wearing is not a libertarian or politically charge issue. it is a simple matter of preference.
  4. nope, too many powerful people have gotten behind recreational sales. its not going away.
  5. Well that wasn't very smart, was it?
  6. there has been opiated hash around in the past but it was very specialty and you paid more for the privilege. There is absolutely no upside to lacing weed with drugs like coke or heroin. there is a ceiling on how much folks will pay for weed, and dumping a drug that cost 3x5 times as much into your stash, doesn't make sense. Besides, people either already have coke or heroin or they dont. You either go for the real mcoy and add it t0 you bud or you abstain. Then of course there is the fact that weed has just been LEGALIZED. Why would you make it illegal again by adding scheduled norcotic, especially if you operate a shopfront.
  7. you act like marijuana is a new thing, when in fact it isn't. everybody who wanted weed has had access to it for decades. Like prostitution the fact that it was illegal was an inconvenience, little more.
  8. for the love of god, what are they thinking. Illegal drug indeed. what utter nonsense.
  9. Not that i would want them to, but they haven't stayed the same as they always were. The party has changed radically since i first attended one mid 90's. There are still pockets of that vibe, but they generally precede or follow he moon. The original backyard was a big loss, though it is back in a new incarnation.
  10. i dumped papal the last time they started with this fokkery. They will not be missed.
  11. thanks pete, always nice to hear the geriatric sex tourist spin, but some of us aren't particularly worried about that. Besides, weed is legal, last I heard prostitution was still a no no.
  12. They very clearly understand ganga, it was a part of the culture on phangan long before the first tourist arrived.
  13. Who would have thought that the organizers of one of the world largest drug parties where weed has ALWAYS played a key role would squeal when a major cash cow has been democratized. The marijuana trade in Koh Phngan has been a monopoly for years with locals very clearly understanding whose toes not to step on to avoid police scrutiny and prosecution. I personally (albeit 20 years ago) have been in a position where I was taken by police to apologise to a key player for crossing a line. With weed a free for all, those "families" have lost their monopoly as well as the big stick they use to maintain it. As for endangering the island's youth, i reckon the meth trade has already crossed that bridge.
  14. you are missing something and one good hit will certainly last an hour or longer. a one gram joint would put you down hard.
  15. imagine the hysteria when those same tourists start injecting dank budz in dark alleyways.
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