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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. look, you are doing the moral indignation and virtue signalling thing again. Its like you are such a good person you cant help yourself. There is a very big difference between condoninig murder and having zero respect for the hollow displays of folks like you,
  2. thats because you havent seen me in all my nekkid glory.
  3. As his arrtest in Albereta and subswquent extraditon suggest, these are the people you could be sitting next to anywhere.
  4. I cringe when i see him or hear of his exploits. How did it go so very wrong. I cant imagine pierre or maggie are particularly impressed.
  5. yawn. moral indigantion and virtue signalling to no purpose.
  6. even other drug dealers? have you though this through?
  7. for the love of god, extradited for murder and look what he chose to wear.
  8. no. it was sexually politicisiing the sacrifices of peope and families who served the country. The service was important not the soldier's preferred gender or sexual orientation. It is a hollow, cyncal gesture.
  9. Why are the calling him a man? its pretty clear he is a biotch
  10. i use wise weekly. what problems are you talking about?
  11. What is the deal with all these news articles paying lipservice to all the great things the MFP will accomplish when it is increasingly unlcear tyhat they will even form a government? cart before the horse much?
  12. what is there to wonder about? Dynastic family power is the goal.
  13. they wont make it harder - on purpose. That doesnt mean it wont be an absolute cluster<deleted> becuse nobody has considered the practicalites. Then there is a the small issue of a group of recalcitrant snetors waiting to put the old regime back in power.
  14. so what kind of feeling washes over you as you make therse authoritative but entirely nonsensical pronouncements? Is it smug rightoueoness? Superiority? Do you feel a sense of satisfaction despite adding nothing to the discussion?
  15. With prior planning, trips to Laos are altogether unnessecary.
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