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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. agreed, no fux given until big fux given. this would be a heck of a tirgger
  2. but nothing has actually happened yet, once again you premature.
  3. he would have been far better off if hed knecked them back. That said he was pobably set up. Most thai copls wouldnt be able to recognize an dodgy pill unless they knew what they were looking for or it was suspiciuly wrapped.
  4. a place to avoid illegal drugs? What rock are you hiding under? You have no idea what you are talking about. For the last half century people have been flocking to thailand in droves to get high and dance on the beach. The Bangkok nightclub scene is awash with cocaine and to a smaller extent MDMA. There is a good chance your lawyer or accoutant does bumps in the bar on friday night. I have been in nightclub raid where so many people tested positive that cops simply went home rather than dealing with all the petty charges they would have to file. There is a risk, surely, but this Kiwi fellow is an outlier. For evey one like him I suspect 1000+++ walk away slightly poorer. I have been one of those 1000 on a couple occasions. I can think of at least 100 others who have simply walked away too. His treatment was attrocious and i hope it is one of neglect rather than outrigh maliciousness. I cant imagine the reason for such intentional cruelty -- BUT -- I suspect There is soemnthing we dont know about his case -- no police force in thailand want responsibility for a foreigner. He very likely had a chance to pay and walk away, but for one reason or another that did not happen.
  5. Actual coups tend to cause political conflict. Perhaps the army should remove them from their bag o tricks.
  6. I was my mothers boy until the day she died. What of it? And the Thaiger calls him boy, not the mother, guy gets bit by a rtat and you get up your soap box. why do I think you spend your days looking for chances to rant?
  7. got them once the night before a 2500 km motorcycle trip up and down the country. that was 20 years ago Inconvenient.
  8. The answer to that is pretty clear. Im extremly irritated over how quickly doctors and general folk these days fall back on COPD as a diagnosis. I had one expensive asshat calling himself a pulmonologist declared I had COPD. I suffered through a terrified moth of unnessecary medication crawling up the stairs until a real doctor took one listen to my lungs, said you have pneumonia and cleared me up in a week with one pill a day.
  9. near the stairs!
  10. Why? I built a house on one of the isands 10+ years ago, and to this day it is one of the most satifying projects i have ever undertaken. It continue to produce both revenue and happiness. it can, but does not need to be a miserable experince if you have your eyes open and take pesonal responsiblity.
  11. it also explains why anyine may want to reconsider buying a new one. As I said, I loved my Huawei tabet and phone until the company went sideways. I am not particularly worried about chinese spy ware (athough i woud certainly hope to avoid it), but no or limited access to playstore aps is the final staw. Hence Redmi for value for money
  12. But this is exactly how they would have reacted in blighty. This is how they hav been conditioned to behave. Lads will be lads, especially after a few pints.
  13. Sure its a good phone, its also a five year old phone. https://www.androidauthority.com/huawei-google-android-ban-988382/
  14. would you now, you dark avenger? perhaps you could type at the killer very angrily.
  15. as child who was adopted after my mother's third miscarriage, im thankful my folks didnt think like you .
  16. My daughter was the best mistake I ever made. I got lucky with her mother as well, we have remained very close and focused on our kid long after we broke up.
  17. Thais have been obsessed with apperances since long before socal media. My first flat in Thailand was a samll top floor 2 bedroom with huge balcony in a lower budget building with a parking lot full bmws and benzes. With the exception of one other 2 bed across from me occupied by a korean guy, every other flat in the building was a hong dio occupied by a thai at less than half the cost. They all went to the office every day dressed in designer clothes.
  18. Forgetting that lady drinks cost twice what you are drinking and not saying no to every drink request will eventully make your head bleed.
  19. Its not really that large a tab, and it is easy to let the bill get out of control when you are surrounded by women beffing for bar drinks that cost 2-3 times the amount of a beer. It happens in the beer bars in bangkok all the time.
  20. Ah sorry, typing on my tabet whie its charging can have some odd results. I meant to say all globally released redmi pohones have playstore. Yeah, Huawei is dead in the water. Its a shame because i had a Huawei phone and a huawei table and they were both remarkable.
  21. I beleive all global realsed.phomes come with playstore.
  22. The sheer stupidity of it all astounds me.
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