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Mr Meeseeks

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    Washington Sq. Soi 22

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  1. Pretty bad in Phnom Penh too, although hard to tell the difference in PP these days, pollution from traffic and construction is out of control.
  2. There is a lot of truth in that post. A lot of land in central Bangkok is owned by Indian families.
  3. Another Thai man-child exhibiting predatory sexual behaviour towards minors.
  4. Their suppressed emotions are released when they are driving. You see the real Thais out on the roads.
  5. The epitome of all mouth and no trousers.
  6. Kamnan Poh didn't run anywhere, he was living in plain sight in Chonburi. Much like Boss Red Bull was doing up until 2017.
  7. He was born in Thailand and holds Thai nationality. Not Thai ethnicity certainly.
  8. At least she bucked the national trend of doing a runner.
  9. As with absolutely everything in this country, taken with a pinch of salt.
  10. Unlucky. Now he will have to pay the cops and the couple he abused. These pickup drivers are a constant nuisance throughout the country.
  11. I hope he enjoys riz brun avec soupe de tête de poisson for breakfast.
  12. I came here for the temples. But being rich and a hansum man, the local women naturally flock to me.
  13. That didn't cause her to crash. Might have been a contributing factor, but it is not the root cause.

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