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Mr Meeseeks

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  1. Hope the British Embassy insists on a proper autopsy, and then we'll know the true cause of death.
  2. To be fair to them, it must be hard to be a sub-80 IQ man with a tiny member, seeing all these moneyed tourists coming and paying for sex with your ex-girlfriends.
  3. Another day and another incompetent Thai driving a powerful agricultural vehicle like a sports car. Without enforcement of the road laws, it's carnage out there.
  4. Envelopes are for the low level bribes. It's cake boxes stuffed with cash for the people he needs to bribe now.
  5. This is how Thailand works as a fuedal Kingdom that has not developed and allowed to mature over the necessary amount of time. Don't forget the Thaksin clan, Buriram mafia, the flour smuggler, and the descendants of the Godfather of Chonburi all very active in politics and well known to locals and long term residents. Every province has them.
  6. Cake boxes stuffed with cash make everybody feel better. Especially those who are so sleekit and immoral to pretend they are terminally ill.
  7. The only reason it is being subsidised to that degree is for government activities i.e. Scottish Parlliament and devolution and because Westminster takes a massive amount of what Scotland puts in. Ironically, the formula you have chosen proves Scotland pays way more into Westminster than it actually receives. Scottish taxpayers pay 8.8% of UK taxes while they represent only 8.2% of the population of the UK. Continue importing more benefit scrounging dinghy crossers and building mega-mosques in idilic areas, maybe you will wake up to the fact that England is cooked soon enough.
  8. You forget about Scotland propping up the UK with its energy, water and multi-billion Pound whisky industry. When Scottish independence comes, England will be in serious trouble.
  9. Indeed. Just as in 2007-08 prior to the judicial coup, all the 'old friends' are turning on Thaksin. Then it was Newin and the Buriram mafia, now it is Chalerm and some others. You can never, ever trust any of these people. They are too under-developed emotionally and with too big egos. Shows the immaturity of Thai politics at that level though, really all a bunch of gangsters in it for themselves.
  10. Does he still have his pink Bentley?
  11. Been happening for years. I saw a student get stabbed in Panthip Plaza, which is just up the road from MBK.
  12. It's a bit of a trope that four straws thing, but I used to get a massage from a wee squeeker on Soi Honey. One day she admitted that she liked Indian men and more particularly several at a time. That admission spoilt it for me and I didn't go back.
  13. Influential Thais including the politicians of course.
  14. That report was compiled by a military junta that removed Thaksin in a coup. Not necessarily the best source of information.
  15. I have a couple of friends that are immigration Police, one of whom I met the other day, and she says they are having major problems with the behaviour of Indians and Russians in particular. You can't say they weren't warned.
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