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Harry Black

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Posts posted by Harry Black

  1. 14 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    I was just told by a friend who works factory that she is going to quarantine for 2 weeks. She was given some pills even though she has no symptoms. She had a negative Antigen test on the 13th, and is scheduled for follow up on the 19th.

    I suspect that these pills are not FDA approved as a Covid prophylactic.



    Think thats what they call price gouging, 160 baht for 60? I paid 120 for 100 from Fascino when things were quiet.

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  2. 16 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

    I think the doctor knows more than you do, old boy. The article you post is 8 months out of date and the drug has since been proven to be completely useless. There are better treatment options available.


    Seems its not done and dusted yet, someone thinks its worth a bash! This one less than a month old.



  3. On 4/17/2021 at 1:42 PM, ThailandRyan said:

    Several months ago 3 friends of mine who entered the country voluntarily to return here to their families, tested positive while in quarantine, and each ended up paying between 200k ThB and 300k ThB based upon the treatment needed or not needed as the staff attending to them have to wear the proper PPE, and then of course that cost is passed on as well as the facility fees.

    Didn't their mandatory health insurance cover it?

  4. 4 hours ago, Marvin Hagler said:

    The number of cases they report will be directly related with the number of people they test. There is factual evidence (discussed ad infinitum already) that they test at very low rates in comparison to other countries. There has also been much commentary in the local media about problems with testing (either the cost, lack of tests, reluctance to test by hospitals).


    So although the figure of 1,500 being the ceiling is wrong the evidence thus far suggests reported numbers will plateau...unless they significantly IO there game.


    The other scenario is if test numbers stay the same but infection rates are soaring which will also show a higher number of daily cases.

    And the number of deaths will remain the same?

  5. 2 hours ago, Irrumator said:

    Ooooh,  Harriet is doing a flounce, as well as not reading the OP correctly and also injecting what he thinks he read with what he thinks was meant.

    I did my selection in Kenya in 100 degree heat at 6,000 feet and it wasn't watered down at all.  
    And no one was gobbing off about being special except you, or had you missed that like you missed so many other things or spun them your way.

    You're obviously just envious because you couldn't make the grade in your 14 whole years.

    I'd have thought you'd have known that 50 lb Bergens are used in training and after selection you carry what you are given or what you need for the job.  It's pretty obvious that you don't know as much as you like to think you know.

    Oh, and and it's spelled BergEN and the way you are squealing, you obviously know more about handbags than most ... ????????


    Ha ha, how is it in your imaginary SF world? Your superiority over Thai SF units that you obviously never heard of, despite them being trained by UK regulars? How do you back up those comments?


    As for aspiring to to making the grade, trot on, you have no idea whats so ever, keep posting and show your ignorance.





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