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Harry Black

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Posts posted by Harry Black

  1. 4 hours ago, Irrumator said:


    I agree with all that - craphats is  what we called them too.  Some really were as bad as you said.  I think I know the Para lance-corporal you mentioned too.  Good photographer though if it's the same one.


    The other thing is that in the SAS, certainly in my squadron, most recruits were fairly bright and came from good jobs or were at Uni like me.  Met some chaps from other squadrons and from 21 and they were brighter than average too.  Met a few regulars too and they were pretty switched on compared to your average paperclip counter in Logistics.


    I worked with a few ex-Royal Marines and they were switched on too. 


    What has whizzed over our friend Harry's head is that we didn't HAVE to volunteer to spend our weekends tramping the Brecons with a 50 lb Bergen, or take time off work to do a Para, NBC or signals course or whatever, we did it because we wanted to and and because we wanted to serve the country in some way.


    Still, let him feel superior, eh?  We know he isn't, and that's what matters.    



    The only reason I posted originally was your superior attitude to Thai SF. I take exception to someone doing a watered down selection in the 70's gobbing off on a forum that they were SF, then belittling units they have most likely never worked with, with throw away unsubstantiated comments


    Jor Kor 90, modeled on, and trained by UK SAS, Austrailian SASR and Israel's Sayeret Matkal are an excellent Thai SF unit.  Naresuan 261 are a really good counter terrorism team, train with many western agencies.


    Oh, and 50lb bergans???  Don't make me laugh, I've seen WRENS carry heavier handbags.


    Walters, the pair of you.



  2. 20 hours ago, Mister Fixit said:

    Ah yeah, I've met a few like you, not impressed.


    I had one chap down south who told everyone he was a Regimental Sergeant Major or some guff  in the Logistics Corps, you know the one, where they count the paperclips and add up the phone book.    Thick as a pudding, he was.????????


    Then a few years later I met someone who had known him for years and it turned out he was a bog standard sergeant who had been drummed out of the paperclip counters because he threatened his ex-wife with a shotgun.  Lovely chap ...


    How long did you last, Mr Supercilious?




    14 years.


    If you consider yourself a SF operator after a 5 minute selection course then you are clearly delusional.


    I've met a few like you before too, doesn't take long to work them out and shift them over to the ignore list, off you pop.

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