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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 2 minutes ago, phetchy said:

    but that there are probably enough voters in the USA to get him re-elected.  The George Floyd incident, the Bible photo op, the old guy pushed over and ignored by the police, his many scandalous alleged relationships etc. etc.  What are these people on?       

    Was it Trump who pushed the old guy over ?

    Did Trump kill Floyd ?

    "alleged" relationships .

    Nothing wrong with taking a photo in a Church

  2. Just now, spidermike007 said:

    Yeah. He sounds like a confused man. I have a number of friends who I would consider racist. Good guys. But, a shortcoming, for sure. They genuinely seem to hate black people. From any country. Yet, they are married to Thai women. I have often asked how they reconcile that. Black, yellow, red. All minorities, in your nation, right? They tend to give me this blank stare, or some nonsense about her being light skinned, or some other psycho babble dribble. Racism is racism, from my point of view. Either you are tolerant or you are not. Many white people are not. 

    Maybe its nothing to do with skin colour, maybe its about behavior 

  3. 15 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    No proof that it will spread further, the British police were not wearing masks in Downing Street, but 95% of the protesters were. So if covid-19 is such a threat in London why would the police not be wearing masks!


    If there is a spike in London that will be because the government is fixing the figures suit the agenda.

    Simply wearing a mask will not stop a person contracting/spreading the virus

  4. 37 minutes ago, J Town said:

    At this very moment the CIA is releasing an army with no identification. They do not have authority to arrest, but they can kill. And you're OK with that. The black movement is only asking for a fair shake and you seem unhappy with that.

    No, I fell that the Black community should be fairly represented in this new CIA Army .

    At least 25 % of this new secret CIA Army should be non White

  5. 15 minutes ago, wealthychef said:


    Thought control is very common in our society.  It's not only practiced by governments,.  In fact, I believe that the people that have mastered it far beyond what governments do are the private capitalists, who use it to sell you their stuff.  They also like to promote ideas like "it's safe to go back to work" and "go ahead and go to a bar" and "don't trust doctors and scientists", I think because they only seem to care about profit and not so much about human life in my view.  

    Governments wish they had the level of thought control that the private sector has been perfecting.  


    Who are these people that are controlling peoples thoughts ? 

    What are there names ?

  6. 15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    It's irrelevant. 

    No matter how bad any person is they don't deserve to be be murdered except for self defense. 

    Again it's not really about him. 

    It's about systemic racism and black people having to wait hundreds of years for it to be addressed. 

    If not now then probably never. 

    That would please the white nationalists. 

    What needs to be done ?

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