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Posts posted by 2009

  1. 32 minutes ago, kwilco said:

    I think the fact that you have to sk says a lot more about you than anything else - read the original post he made.



    "Given the number of men that have had their lives destroyed by wives, are we supposed to sympathise with her?"

    Hey, there's two sides to every story.


    Women ain't the angels we have been told.


    I find it hard to believe he got married just so he would end up flying to Thailand to "cheat" on his wife.


    There's more to this story.


    Maybe if the legal system wasn't so sexist he'd divorce her and be treated fairly.



    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 7 hours ago, kwilco said:

    OMG! You're an incel!

    This is the way it is nowadays.


    The progressive (ironically) don't accept freedom of speech. 


    They have an arsenal of names ready to silence people with: incel, misogynist, homophobic, racist, supremacist etc. etc.


    How about just letting the man talk about marriage issues (which is not off topic) without hurling insults on his character?

  3. 12 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    No I don't think that you can have sex against a woman's will, just because you are married to them .

       You cannot legally rape a woman just because you have a bit of paper from a church with both your names on it 

    Who said that?


    You seem to be deliberately missing my point.


    Aren't married couples supposed to have a sex life? That's what I am saying.


    Unless, they both would rather celibacy, then fair enough.


    I understand there are some women who are not interested in having sex with their partner, but marry anyway (or stay married) for other reasons or agenda.


    And if his needs aren't being met, why shouldn't he go to Thailand? Marriage isn't a prison either.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    I can take a bloody good guess why he goes to Thailand and it isnt for the Pad Thai .

    You could make detective ????


    3 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Wifes are not just there for the purpose of somewhere to put your knob

    No, but it's supposed to be part of a marriage, isn't it?

  5. 20 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

     She would be smart to just let him do his thing. 

    It's the money she cares about.


    He sends money to another woman every month and perhaps she's bothered by his travel expenses too.


    It's always about the money with broads.


    I am sure - at her age - she doesn't care what he does with his willy.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    He is at the age where he is expected to be celibate 

    Its unnatural for guys his age to want to have sex 

    Evidently not. 


    And she may have imposed celibacy on him many decades ago. They've been married 50 years!


    You don't know what drove this man to Thailand.

  7. 17 hours ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    He wants his cake and eat it too. The fun Thai life and the security of home. Don't cop it lady. Divorce him while the money's there.

    Or deep down after 48 years she may be happy to have him out of her hair but needs him to be respectful, use discretion and not embarrass her, and spend a defined reasonable amount. 

    She probability wants her cake and to eat it too: the benefits of married life without any sexual responsibility.



    A few decades of that would send any man to Thailand for the trollops, and rightly so.





  8. 20 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    This guy in  the story is being probably being unfaithful and spending money on prostitutes.

       The guy in the story is at fault , not his Wife

    How do you know?


    Maybe she has expected him to be celibate for the last few decades while enjoying the benefits of married life with him.

  9. Which traffic offenses go on criminal record in Thailand?


    I know that in other countries certain traffic offenses are criminal, whereas others are not.


    How about in Thailand?


    Suppose you get into a car accident and you are considered at fault, you'll get a fine for: careless/reckless driving (with causing injury to others in some cases).


    I know in some countries you get a criminal record for that.


    How about going through a red light or speeding?

  10. 1 hour ago, Startmeup said:

    I think I highlighted the nonsensical-ness you talk about. 


    It doesn't matter if you invested $100k and lost 50% or gained 50%, if you then go ahead and transfer that sum of money into your "dedicated Thai bank account (which isn't even in Thailand)' after you already have lodged something into that account that calendar year then you are taxable on the full amount. It has nothing to do with making any gains and everything to do with lodging money at any given time of year.


    Still makes zero sense to me now but that's what PCW say so who are we to argue? 

    He's talking sense.


    Aren't we supposed to be taxed on our  only on our gains? Isn't that the logical point?


    Think it this way: he invests 100k, and makes 10k. Then, transfers the 110k and they tax him on all of it. The tax will likely be more than 10k, so he has lost all his gains, plus some more.


    If that's the way it worked, nobody would ever make money from investing.

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