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Posts posted by 2009

  1. 20 minutes ago, Startmeup said:

    How did you get a Thai Tax ID without paying tax?

    "Nonresident aliens are subject to a dividend tax rate of 30% on dividends paid out by U.S. companies."


    I think it depends on the tax treaty between the two countries. From what I can see, Thai tax resident would be subject to 10% withholding tax on US 

    I do pay tax, on my income working in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  2. On 1/16/2023 at 5:18 PM, 2009 said:

    Cheers guys, good answers in here.


    So far the feedback here is:


    - no tax liability for Thailand 

    - no American capital gains if you filed a W8BEN


    But dividends are taxable (America), right? 


    Still not clear if it's withholding tax or we need to file a return each year (how does a foreigner do that?) and if there's an amount of dividend income that's tax free or is every dollar taxed?

    So, it seems from the further feedback, that:


    - American dividends are taxed from the first dollar (not above a threshold)


    - and the brokers withhold the tax when the dividend is paid (and I assume they pay it on our behalf?)

  3. Cheers guys, good answers in here.


    So far the feedback here is:


    - no tax liability for Thailand 

    - no American capital gains if you filed a W8BEN


    But dividends are taxable (America), right? 


    Still not clear if it's withholding tax or we need to file a return each year (how does a foreigner do that?) and if there's an amount of dividend income that's tax free or is every dollar taxed?

  4. 15 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    I get the impression you want it to be an immigrant.....   (or 1st / 2nd gen migrant) - You seem to need this information to justify the racial bias you are carrying.

    No, actually on the contrary: I wish Britain had migrants that were beneficial to the country.


    Like the previous migrants who came to integrate, work, and support themselves honestly: Irish, Italian, Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, for example.


    The new wave of migrants are quite different aren't they?


    Racial bias? Just look at the statistics on migrant crime. You can do that objectively, right?


    And what's your bias? Do you have one?


    15 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    IF we are sticking our necks out - I suspect we’ll find out the shooter is Columbian or linked to Columbian cartel somehow. 


    Well, no <deleted>. 


    You didn't think it would be a young lad from Kent, did you? 


    Or a Chinese medical student?

    • Thanks 1
  5. So, I'm a bit confused ????


    Some details:


    - I am an investor in American stocks.

    - I am not an American national.

    - My tax residence is Thailand.

    - I use a European broker


    I am sure I don't need to pay any tax to my home country.


    I am under the impression I don't have to pay capital gains tax to America. Correct?


    But I think I do have to pay tax on dividends to America? Correct? And if so, is the tax withheld or do I have to pay it myself yearly? And is it paid from the first dollar or only when you earn over a certain amount?


    I believe I would have to pay capital gains tax to Thailand if I brought the money into the country within the same tax year as the gains were realized. Otherwise, no capital gains tax in Thailand. Correct? And is the same true with dividends? (If you don't bring them into the kingdom, no tax?)


    Anything else I've missed? Or have I made a total hash of my above assumptions? ????



  6. On 1/14/2023 at 1:37 PM, Jonathan Swift said:

    Doing it without an agent is pretty easy once you know the ropes. I don't like the idea of placing such important matters in anyone else's hands, plus the money saved is significant, around a few hundred dollars. But that's just me and my way, not everyone has equal skills with bureaucratic systems. 



    I mean, you're just compiling paperwork and hopping in a taxi to immigration.


    Dealing with the taxi driver takes some bureaucratic skill, okay, I'll give you that.

    • Haha 1
  7. 12 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

    Dangerous ground, leaving the fate of people to the prevailing powers that be - to declare mental illness & euthanasia....

    Any dissident or truck driver that's dissatisfied could be legally declared as mentally ill and "removed" or their assets seized (for their own good)....

    Any group could be targeted - see WW2...

    Well, I just got a document from the #1 hospital in Thailand saying I am not retarded so I guess I am safe, for now.

  8. On 1/12/2023 at 1:26 PM, Berkshire said:

    I doubt he enjoyed losing 60% of his wealth inside a year.  Being the darling of the right ain't what it's cracked up to be.  These right wing nutters that admire him aren't the ones buying Tesla's.  Elon will figure that out soon enough.

    I am not sure he cares much about money. He's a bit nuts and seems to care more about doing cool things and stroking his ego. 


    If money were high up on his list of priorities, he wouldn't have acted like such an asshat recently.


    That said, I do like the guy - not just cos we share the same political views - but cos he is genuinely trying to make a difference in the world.


    However, he is too much of a loose canon for me to invest in Tesla. Oh well.

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