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Posts posted by 2009

  1. On 10/27/2022 at 10:01 AM, Mark1066 said:

    Neither do I. The fact you only need 400k in the bank for an extension based on marriage versus 800k for a visa based on retirement would seem to suggest the opposite: that they expect you'll be sharing expenses with your wife. There's absolutely no requirement to prove you are supporting your wife in any way or form when applying for this type of extension.

    Nah, come on. Please.


    When Western women marry Thai men, they aren't required to show 400k for the visa.


    It's expected the man takes care of the woman in both instances.


    And you need 400k in the bank for the visa if you have a Thai child. Because you are taking care of the child.

    • Like 1
  2. On 10/28/2022 at 11:41 AM, ChaiyaTH said:

    Because the returns on rent suck, aside of the fact that the quality of build here would need a new house by the time most finish a mortgage, so that is just like renting as they will need a new loan. The only who should buy are those who earn so little, that paying the mortgage is the only 'significant' way of saving for the future. 

    It is an old concept, it is not for the future and even in all the decades that worked, you would still been 2x richer if you invested it elsewhere. This is also why it's usually always old people who recommend it, it's all financial education they have:

    1) Work until you can't even have sex without viagra
    2) Don't live above your means, live very boring and sober to save money you never spend alive 
    3) Buy a house, renting sucks, as you can see in point 1 and 2 above, I figured life out as a genius.



    There are far better investments than property in Thailand. 


    I would imagine investing in a property in Thailand would be like getting tangled in a rusty barbed-wire hedge with a bunch of Somsaks and Superporns poking you with their dicks till you sell your ass at half the market value just to get out.



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  3. 1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:

    I had some Paad-Gapraw from a restaurant called Phed Mark (Opposite Ekammai on Sukhumvit).


    Phed Mark would be a play on the name of the owner who I assume is a guy called Mark who likes spicy food !!!... 


    Flippin ek... he wasn’t lying !!!....    

    It's Mark Wiens' restaurant, I think.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Boomer6969 said:

    Fear of the unknown IMHO. Remember, they have never been colonised hence never learnt to handle the Farang like the Vietnamese or the Malaysians.


    The are so proud of their independence but fail to see that the remain inadequate in the world we have shaped. But the might be in wait of the Chinese reshape.

    The Chinese are on their knees. They ain't reshaping nothing.

  5. 14 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    The profile of the Thai male basher:


    1. Can't speak Thai (98%)

    2. Red-light district oriented (75%)

    3. Racist (99%)

    4. Socially isolated (89%)

    5. Substance abuser (70%)

    6. Working class employment and educational background (99%)

    7. Suffering from age-related health problems (90%)


    Essentially we're talking about guys who are bitter because the bar scene is no longer a viable or attractive lifestyle either due to age-related loss of libido or lack of interest from bar girls. Financial pressures also make maintaining this lifestyle increasingly difficult, and limit options, including repatriation, to adjust to these changing realities. If it wasn't for these constraints, the percentage of Thai-bashers who were red-light district oriented would be much higher.


    They turn to booze and other substances to try to cope but this only isolates them further, intensifying the cycle of bitterness. By telling themselves that Thai men are unworthy and inadequate providers, Thai male bashers also seek to rationalize and justify the monger lifestyle which they know is exploitative and soul-destroying. I consider this group of people, who are sadly over-represented on this forum, to be the absolute dregs of the ex-pat community.



    Sounds like you know this intimately.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. On 8/25/2022 at 11:56 AM, Kwasaki said:

    I like Som tam, price has increased over the years 25 to 30, some places 40.

    Yeah, it's a joke.


    I could get a good amount chicken or pork for that.


    A whole papaya is like 15 baht. Lol.


    If they gave a good portion it would be okay, but often the papaya salad is really small.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

    We? Why do you have a weird fixation on this being a discussion about "us Westerners". No one has said anything about any of "us" doing anything. We're discussing what Thai people do in Thailand.


    I guess I can see why you're so confused if your brain has centered Western people as the actors in this for some strange reason.

    Well, there are guys on this thread arguing that this type of thing is okay.


    They are literally condoning it and coming up with reasons why the girl is old enough to make this decision with comments like, "She may have wanted it and seduced him"


    And acting like the guy hasn't done anything wrong on the grounds that, "Child prostitution is generally accepted by many Thai people and the police won't do anything anyway"


    Kinda makes me wonder what some of the Westerners on this thread are getting up to. ????


    So, I was just giving off a friendly reminder that even though you may not be prosecuted in Thailand for sleeping with a 14 or 15 year old, that doesn't stop the authorities in your home country prosecuting you for doing it (if the age of consent in your home country is greater than that).


    That's right, we still have to obey the laws of our home country even when we are abroad. Did you know that?

    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    How is 17 "untouchable"?

    I am pretty sure according to Thai law, she needs to be 18 to be a full consenting adult.


    The 15 age of consent thing is if she is married to the guy.


    And, I am also under the impression if money is changing hands for sex, she needs to be 20, otherwise she is protected by some law regarding protection of minors.

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