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Posts posted by 2009

  1. On 6/2/2022 at 6:59 PM, Jingthing said:

    Racism is very real. 

    Absolutely, particularly in non-western countries.


    East Asians tend to be racist against Africans and Middle Easterns. I am sure they don't really like whites either.


    Middle Easterns don't like westerners 


    Blacks in Africa despise the white minority and are openly racist.


    I had a Latino guy today tell me he likes Thailand but not Thais.


    Eastern Europe, openly racist.


    Some parts of Europe too, Greece and Italy, for example 


    The entire non-western world is basically openly and unashamedly racist. They don't seem to think it's wrong and it is just a normal part of life.


    Only in the West (UK, America etc etc) do we think racism is wrong.

  2. 11 hours ago, HuskerDo2 said:

    Women and children ALWAYS will take priority as they are weaker and more vulnerable. Yes, I'd feel bad for anyone this sort of thing happened to but I find your comment odd. Men are men and should be able to take care of themselves. Not the same with women and children.

    Children, yes. I agree.


    I find it odd you'd value a man less than a woman though. Why not equality?


    So men should just be able to handle getting attacked? Lol

  3. 16 hours ago, HuskerDo2 said:

    They must think they are big tough men attacking a small woman and dumping acid on her face. I hope when they find them they do the same to them and then cut off their "Polish sausages" and force them down their throats. Men who abuse women or children should have their "private part" removed as a warning to anyone else who ever tries to abuse those weaker than them. Makes me sick to read stories like this. 

    Sounds like you wouldn't have the same tone if a man was the victim.

  4. This thread is hilarious.


    None of it makes a difference. It's the law of the jungle on the roads here.


    There's no concept of giving others the right of way. Just, "me first".


    They even act like this on foot too.


    It's truly a cultural phenomenon over all of Asia (I think) that I will never fathom out.

    • Haha 1
  5. 13 hours ago, DJ54 said:

    If everyone helps a little eventually it will catch on. Part of the issue is some don’t know any better and haven’t been taught… I’ve seen elders do it and my guess they’ve never been taught… 

    I wouldn't hold your breath. You'll be waiting a few generations.


    I think they just don't care. And yeah, I've seen old people litter too.

    • Like 1
  6. 23 hours ago, KannikaP said:

    They did not feel OBLIGATED as that means required by law. Neither were they OBLIGED to do it as they didn't expect a reward. They did it because they WANTED to.



    It's a cultural difference perhaps lost on KhunLA.


    I find here, they give the absolute bare minimum (except if something is for show).


    Yet somehow they are masters at extracting as much for themselves as physically possible.


    Guess, it's their way of life.

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  7. On 11/15/2022 at 12:47 PM, buick said:

    i got a 90 day O august 2021 from CW.  went back to do one year extension in mid october 2021 and only had to supply the bank book (plus copies of the pages).  no statements.  same when i did the first renewal of the one year in oct 2022.


    i originally had an O that had expired as i'd been outside thailand for awhile.

    Chang Wattana gives 90 day Non Immigrant O extensions?


    I didn't know that.

  8. 12 hours ago, nigelforbes said:

    Yes and no, I suppose it depends on the definition of "time the markets". I moved from 100% global equities to around 50% Wealth preservation funds, 10% equities and 40% cash. Not long afterwards the markets fell and my investor peers/friends all took hits up to -40%, I suffered -6%. I came out of equities because the 10year became inverted  and I thought I could see the inflation writing on the wall....I was lucky, I was right. Now, I'm slowly getting back into equities, very very slowly. A friend says I'm timing the market, I say I'm not. I say I'm making rational adjustments based on economic forecasts and events. Define it how you will, if that is timing the markets it's definitely not a looser game.

    It may work 2 times out of 10, lol.


    Generally, 'time in the market' beats timing the market.

    • Like 1
  9. 58 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    The S&P has been falling for one year and has lost about 10 % of its value , so  your investment this year would have been down by 10 % and you would be up by 1.5 % had you stuck the money in a bank and with rental properties , you need to be  the landlord or pay an agency 10 % and being a landlord is a job itself 

    Yeah, but you know I might live another 50 years. Lol.


    You should never out money in stocks that you'll need within the next 5 years.


    It's silly to try time the markets jumping in and out is a losers game 



    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    So where would be the better place to put money TODAY ?

    (I don't mean , where should the money have been put 5 years ago .) 

       Where should money be invested today , where you are guaranteed higher returns than banks interest rates (5 %) 

    The SP500 and rental properties will continue to beat bank interest rates, lol, just like they always have.

  11. 48 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Property prices are on their way down . 

    The cost of living crises and high inflation rates have caused a lot of people sell and not many are buying , which is causing a property price decrease 




    Still though, how can just holding cash be better?


    I get that everyone needs an emergency fund, but over and above that, it's a waste.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, nigelforbes said:

    Productive assets, for example?


    With inflation running at (insert your own number here, I'll call mine 8% or X) at X%, there is no investment that I know that can equal that sort of return, not on any reasonable risk/reward basis.




    There's also the SP500 that is up 50% as of today over the last 5 years (despite having a terrible year so far).

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