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Posts posted by 2009

  1. On 10/24/2022 at 2:53 PM, tandor said:

    to make abortions cost effective, in the case of single mothers, perhaps the authorities should recover the expense from the guy who put it in there and then abandoned her.

    To hell with that.


    In that case, give soon-to-fathers a say in the matter in general.


    Her body, her choice. She can pay.


    Why is is it men are expected to be responsible for everything, but women aren't expected to be responsible for anything?!


    How do you know she was abandoned by a guy?


    How do you know she even knows who the guy is? She could just be a trollup and it could be anyone's who had 500 baht.


    Massage can be a hit n a miss in Thailand from my experience.


    Everyone parlor seems to have some awesome masseuses and some duds. It's a roll of the dice every time.


    Anyone know a therapist that's really good at what they do?


    (In Bangkok only, please)


    Would you be so kind as to let us know where they work? Like "name of therapist at xyz establishment", if possible.


    Or if there is just a place that you have found to be consistently good that would be great, too.



  3. 1 hour ago, bang saen guy said:

    Tacos and bangers and mash have been in Thailand for years. Using your logic, they are Thai food. Right?

    I think there should be a sensible threshold somewhere.


    Logically, if it is eaten regularly (almost daily in some cases, lol) by enough Thais then it's part of Thai cuisine (e.g. papaya salad, southern curry).


    This cannot be said for tacos or bangers n mash.


    Very few Thais have ever even tried those, nevermind adopted them in their regular diet.


    Let's try to be sensible here. 


    To say papaya salad isn't Thai food, is like saying everyone in Isaan isn't Thai.


    Isaan people are Thai. They eat papaya salad in their regular diet Thus, it has become part of Thai cuisine. It has Laotian roots though and a longer history in that country.


    Same can be said for the southern curries and chicken over rice etc. etc.


    By your logic, you might as well say chilli peppers aren't part of Thai cuisine since they didn't naturally grow here. They were brought here by the Portuguese and Spanish. The Thais then started cultivating them.





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  4. On 10/23/2022 at 9:15 PM, jak2002003 said:

    They are not Thai dishes!  Khao man Gai is from Singapore, so is duck noodle soup (Chinese influence), and Chicken Satay comes from Malaysia/ Indonesia.  But the Som Tam is Thai. Lol. ????



    This is sad - using your intelligence to be a  ???? ???? ???? 


    Do you not realize that cuisines have influences from other places? Lol. Like, duh ????


    And somtam is Laotian, by the way, if you wanna be like that.  ???????? (I know, mind blowing, right?)



    • Haha 1
  5. 47 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Khao Man Gai

    I'm a huge fan of the yellow rice with chicken (khao mook gai) particularly fried chicken and if there are any chicken livers to go on top, damn, that's heaven!


    I'd add a fried egg to it if I could. Duck egg, preferably.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    Favourite dish would have to be Pad Thai with both chicken and prawns, and a liberal sprinkling of chili flakes.


    Just recently taken to cooking Pad krapow gai as it is easy to cook and very tasty if you stick to the recipe!


    Thai green curry chicken, with potato chunks added and plenty of coconut cream!!!

    Absolutely love pad thai

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

    In no real order as it depends what kind of mood I’m in… Massaman, Penang & Pad Siew (all Moo/Pork as I don’t eat chicken).


    Like @LacessitI add chilli to the Pad Siew to turn a pretty plain dish into a fiery inferno. 


    Interesting, why you not into chicken?

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