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Posts posted by 2009

  1. On 4/23/2023 at 8:42 PM, Sheryl said:

    They are perfectly up to date on colon cancer treatment in Thailand and a number AN members have been successfully treated here.


    Cost is a concern for private care if uninsured. Government hospitals are an alternative especially the larger ones like Chula in Bangkok.



    Out of curiosity, what you he a ballpark figure for Chula to treat bowel cancer?

  2. 3 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Are you a Westerner on an average income who, due to the exchange rate, is rather affluent in Thailand



    3 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    and you wouldn't want a higher minimum wage , because it would mean that you have to pay more of your money to Thais for services ?

    Yes, partly, but mostly it's because I believe in a free market.


    Not playing around with the economy or dangling a carrot ???? to win votes.

  3. 1 hour ago, billd766 said:

    It is much easier to talk about it when you have a reasonable income, than it is to live with it as a reality.



    But hey I'd still be on minimum wage too, if I didn't help myself earn more.


    We seem to be on different pages here. You seem to think I should be concerned with other people's money.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. 2 hours ago, zzaa09 said:


    Easier for Farang to speak of things they know nothing of. 

    It's what they do.

    Kind of a weird comment.


    I don't think all farangs do this, like you say. Are you not farang? Oh, you're Thai now, got it.


    And I've met plenty of Thais and other people who talk about things they know nothing of.


    A Thai person once tried to educate me on bread.

    • Haha 1
  5. It's not so much about the bar; it's the socioeconomic background they come from.


    My EX was a school teacher, not a sex worker. But she came from the same environment as the working ladies. She grew up with them in the village, went to the same school. Came from a similar family with similar values.


    Yet she went to uni and became a teacher.


    Nonetheless, she was just as much a gold digging sex worker as the rest of them. She just did it dishonestly and with more cunning.

    • Haha 2
  6. On 5/1/2023 at 3:33 PM, KannikaP said:

    Depends on the size of the place, but to make Bht 3000 A DAY PROFIT, after rent, wages, overheads, electricity, water, insurances!!!!  etc etc, I very much doubt it.

    And also depends on how much of the profits HE is going to sup.


    I've always been baffled by how difficult people say it is to make money from a bar in Thailand.


    What wages? They are paid peanuts. And some "waitresses" aren't even staff or on a salary.


    Electricity and water are very little in Thailand. Most bars are open and don't even have the AC on.


    Taxes are laughable here. And what mandatory insurance does a business owner need here?


    Now, compared that to the West where bars pay decent wages, proper taxes, expensive utility bills, and necessary insurances etc etc.


    Imagine trying to make a profit while heating a bar in a British winter while paying your staff properly?


    Yet they still make a profit while serving imported top quality beers from all over Europe.


    Here, you are paying 120+ for a small bottle of local swill in a hot open-air bar that was served by an uncouth good-time girl (not even on a salary and if she was it would be negligible).


    What makes it so hard in Thailand?


    They are taking a bottle of local rubbish that 7eleven makes a profit on at around 35 baht and selling it for 120 or more. All the while not paying very much in the way of salaries, utilities, or taxes.


    You'd think a ham sandwich could run a business like this here. It's child's play.



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