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Posts posted by 2009

  1. 3 hours ago, Hummin said:

     it is time for some to own up to be a man, and take responsibillity for their own actions and what happens to them. 


    Just men need to take responsibility?


    And he needs to take responsibility for her actions?


    He sounds like the victim here. And you are victim blaming


    3 hours ago, Hummin said:


    We all know what it means to involve with a woman,, especially poor women, and still some just walk in to it with open eyes, and when it goes wrong, they blaim the women like Steven do above. Man up and take responsibility for your mistakes, it doesnt help to wine about it rest of your life.



    Why are you making excuses for her?


    She played the long game on him, got all that she could (not bad for a few years of her time), now it's the next guy's turn.


    This is a way of life for some people.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    This is just another wake up call that reminds us all of how nasty, cunning and conniving they can be.

    They have zero conscience about their actions and underhandedness.  They don't give a rats about taking farang for a ride. 

    The part that I would be angry about and I would suspect others feel the same is that you provide a roof over their head, food, car and whatever .... and after giving them all this and supporting them they soon decide it was all a game and it's time for the farang to get out of their lives. 

    It's one country I'll never ever forget,   and it won't be for it's honesty that's for damn sure,   more for their inbreed thievery.


    I think he should walk. Let her pay her own bills and expenses for the rest her life or rely on someone else


    If the vehicles are his , take them with him. She can take the bus.


    He'll enjoy his pension more if it's just for him.

  3. 1.  Report your credit card and other possessions stolen.

    2. Move to Pattaya.

    3. Divorce her.

    4. Get her out your house til you die.


    Could you rent the house out?


    I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I don't think you can stay in her house in her village happily and safely forever.


    It's over.


    It's just another case of putting all your eggs in a woman's basket and she knows she ain't gonna get much more out you, so she's showing her true colors.


    Enjoy your golden years.




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  4. 24 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    I don't think anyone has ever got HIV from oral sex. Risk 0% for you. No harm in having the 800 baht test for peace of mind, just don't take it too early otherwise a waste of time



    There have been massive studies done where researchers have observed tens of thousands of couples where one partner is positive and the other is negative, who regularly engage in unprotected non-penetrative sex (e.g. oral), and even after decades not a single HIV transmission occurred.

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  5. You don't need an HIV test. You had no exposure to HIV.


    People simply don't get HIV through sexual means without a history of penetrative sex. 


    But don't ask Aseannow forum, ask an expert.


    I don't mind telling you, I've been refused an HIV test on this basis, due to no risk.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, bignok said:

    So hot and humid you wash once a day? That is unclean. 

    Lol, in Thailand I wash twice a day, but it makes no difference to my foreskin, anyway; it's other parts of my body that could do with two showers in Thailand.


    Thanks for your concern. ????


    Hell, I think the foreskin would even be okay if you washed a few times a week. You are making it out to be such a dirty thing, which it isn't.


    By the way, in case anyone is interested: a dermatologist told me to never use soap under your foreskin, just water.


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  7. 37 minutes ago, bignok said:

    Most people don't like condoms and washing 5 times a day is not practical. Guys are happy no skin, women are happy no skin. No problem here except from skin guys trying to force their views onto others.

    Hang on,


    We don't need to wash 5 times a day, once is enough.


    Muslims actually do wash 5 times a day, funnily enough, before each prayer session -- or at least they are supposed to.


    You can't speak for all guys and all women on if they like foreskin or otherwise. Its obviously subjective.


    Regarding people "forcing their views on others": some people happen to consider male circumcision as child abuse, just like female circumcision (which is illegal in most countries), and we have every right to voice that opinion.


    We also have every right to participate in the discussion about how it's an ineffective defense against diseases (compare with modern medicine) and has limited benefits.


    And yeah, we can agree on many people hating condoms, but that does not indicate circumcision as a prevention of STDs


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