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Meat Pie 47

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Posts posted by Meat Pie 47

  1. 6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Very small chance this guy started a fight. Just a very small Thai man, refusing to take responsibility for his insane actions. Hope he sees alot of time in prison, where he will meet alot of new friends, who will show him the local hospitality.


    The bottom line is that there is never any upside to engaging a Thai person, much less a group of them, in a fight. If you kick their ass, you lose. If they kick your ass, you lose. No upside to that formula. Best to just keep your cool, show respect, and avoid fights in public. Remember, this is a land of face. Even something as benign as a street race, can mean they end up losing face. Which for well developed, normal people is not a big deal. But for seriously immature men, or boys, it is.

    The bottom line is that these thugs do not represent Thai people on any level. Many barely have any parents at all. Most parents are absentee these days, even if they are home all the time. Parenting is falling off the face of the earth. It is a lost art. Many parents are too obsessed with making their kids their friends, to do the right thing by their kids, and be tough and show them their limits. Most Thai people are not violent. Sure, there are some. Like anywhere. But I find in most situations if I show sincere kindness, humility, and respect, to someone who has taken offense by something I have done, he just backs down, and accepts the apology. A situation can easily be escalated with the wrong attitude. But why? There is no upside for us. Only downside. Only problems. And they are the kinds of problems we just do not need.

    It is very rare. I have a good friend, who was robbed of an nearly new iphone while walking on a sidewalk in Chaiyaphum. I do not think this is common, but there is some desperation out there now, due to the Prayuth precipice, and decimation of the economy, and that was a crime of opportunity. She was knocked down from behind, and spent three days in a hospital, as she hit her head on a concrete sidewalk. A desperado, for sure. She is fine, but when you hit your head on concrete, all bets are off. 
    Personally, I have never felt threatened. I have seen a shooting here, and seen a number of fights, while on Samui. It is nearly always Thai on Thai, which is not my concern. I keep my nose clean, tend to show respect to the locals, and know how to avoid confrontations. The few times I have been faced with a very angry local, I have offered a sincere apology, a deep wai, and they backed down. Never had my house robbed, or a car or motorbike stolen. Never been robbed on the street here, in well over a decade.



    Lucky you, I have been broken in to my factory twice had one of my holiday unit burned down and got threatened with a shogun by my FIL.

  2. I am 100% sure you don't need any testing where I live (in the west ) maybe to show your faccination details (have not been in a restaurant for a while) but the last time I dined out had to show nothing.

    For a couple of weeks we had to show our vaccination status when we bought alcohol in a bottle shop but no more now. I never ever seen a temperature testing anywhere not in shops or pubs nowhere.

    I feel sorry for people living in Thailand

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