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Meat Pie 47

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Posts posted by Meat Pie 47

  1. 51 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    It's not rocket science. 

    Not to be outdone, Buffett has made his share of extremely cutting remarks about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency over the years: “I don't have any Bitcoin. I don't own any cryptocurrency, I never will,” he told CNBC in 2020.


    Warren Buffett blasted Bitcoin as a worthless delusion and 'rat poison squared.' Here are his 16 best quotes about crypto.



  2. 52 minutes ago, Tropposurfer said:

    Reminds me of some years back in Kununurra WA while having my weekly Friday night barramundi and chips at an outside restaurant when a 1.5 metre brown snake slithered by. Needless to say I almost shat myself lol ????

    What country has the most deadliest snakes?
    Even more impressive, Australia is home to 20 of the 25 most venomous snakes in the world, including all of the top 11. The world's most venomous snake, the inland taipan is found nowhere else on Earth. It is also called the fierce snake, and carries enough venom in a single bite to kill around 250,000 mice.
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  3. 14 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    I was a Non automatic tool setter, and operated a steel lathe.  Instead of pushing a button, to start the operation, I had to turn the wheel / tools into the steel, and pop out a few 100 or 10k pcs.  Almost 50 yrs ago, and actually my 2nd 'real' job.  Hated it, being chained to, and acting like a machine and I didn't last long.  Setting up was interesting, but usually took only about 30 minutes, per order.


    Profession:  professional bum & LPOS ... excelled at that.  Work smarter not harder.

    As you can imagin I did not just press buttons I also operated non automated machines including lathes,milling machines and more. The early types of Automatics ran on cams which I also had to design and make my self but I did not just produce a few items I used to produce thousands what you would call repetition engineering, but as an toolsetter or engineer you will know what I mean.

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