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Damual Travesty

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Posts posted by Damual Travesty

  1. On 7/1/2020 at 2:03 PM, Lacessit said:

    Depends on your point of view. Peaceful protestors being cleared from a street with tear gas and rubber bullets so POTUS can brandish a bible for a photo opportunity is a bit rich too. Or were the police carrying out their lawful duty in breach of the First Amendment?


    A photo opportunity to show national resolve - and what was the location? A church (of all places) that your "peaceful" anti-American Marxist rioters had lit on fire the day before. A Church man, that they tried to burn to the ground. Government has the right to use force against terror.

  2. Now he wants Americans to wear masks. Yet I distinctly remember them saying don't wear masks it's safe to ride the packed to the gills NY subway and trains to NJ without masks. Go to hell  Fauci - all this clown is trying to do now is cover his ass. They have all been nothing more then mealy mouth worms who give nothing concrete . It's up to the herd to protect itself old style now - build up immunity and get strong.


    No economy can survive a prolonged lock-down, the people are now confused. They are confused because the medical leadership of the USA - and for that matter - most of Europe - and the USA got conflicting advice from the medical professionals on what do do - they also failed to prepare - failed to sound alarms - failed in every way. The President, politicians - etc - all turned to these clowns and they simply spit garbage day after day. Time for them to simply step aside and shut their mouths. They are no longer relevant.


    I am sure that in every closed door meeting him and that other woman whatever her name was left everyone at the table confused with their double sideways incomprehensible medical CYA speeches! Get lost!

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 6/21/2020 at 2:30 PM, BangkokReady said:

    These people are insane and have convinced themselves that they are in exactly the same position as some civil rights protesters in America in the 60s.


    They want change?  I'm not sure how much better we can make it without giving people of colour a "race dividend" of a thousand pounds a month.


    This isn't America.  There are no cops beating up black people.  We have probably one of the most accountable police services in the world.  There is so much done to help POC in the UK that they probably have it better than most average white people.


    I have no idea at what point or what they need to have to actually accept that there is no systemic racism.  I suspect that only when POC make up more than 50% of every desirable position in the public, private sector and the media.


    It's pure fantasy.

    Regarding "This isn't America" our police forces are all integrated with black police chiefs and Mayors, and the statistics do not bear out that white police officers are killing black people in a manner that can be reflected in a statistic that would show that to be true. Mistakes happen their are bad police everywhere. The same drive that is driving what you perceive to be driving this madness in the UK is the same as it is in the USA, and they are simply using the same false pretext from the USA.

  4. 22 hours ago, johnpetersen said:

    Next thing you know he'll be claiming Trump was not born in America and is ineligible to be President. Maybe he'll even lead a movement and call it "birtherism". Nah, that would be way too disrespectful of the office of the presidency.

    Sounds like you are trying to make some kind of point. What point are you trying to make? The entire birther movement was disrespectful of the office of the Presidency. Trump played a part - he later apologized - weakly, and I don't like it.


    Still, its not quite the same as using the intelligence services of the United States to spy on a candidate, frame a candidate, accuse a candidate, later accuse the President, attempt to impeach a President, of colluding with foreign powers who are in an adversarial position with the USA. It's something brand new, and it will never happen again. Am I Chatting with an American here?

    • Like 1
  5. Focusing only on me, because I am all that matters to me - I am currently in Thailand. I will need to leave around the beginning of the year. I will go to the USA for routine medical check up to include colonoscopy and any associated follow-up. I am concerned about being able to smoothly return, and I am concerned about this added insurance policy of $ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND US DOLLARS <deleted>! - So as I currently Do have insurance , but not that amount I am concerned about having to take on additional ?Travellers insurance? I assume?


    In the States I am concerned that the backlog at the VA hospital due covid-19 may also be an issue (Any US VETS out there may have comment on this), but anyhow the world kind of sucks right now don't it!


    So yeah I am watching things. Still a few months off but time flies when you are getting old.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, yuyiinthesky said:

    Ok, some homework, done:

    My team runs a nice amount of servers all around the globe. For some time now they are massively under a concerted brute force attack to gain access via ssh. Despite that we made it not so obvious that the service is running, so script kiddies will not find it, you must have more knowledge.


    At first it was about 50% coming from Chinese IP addresses and the others mainly from servers which you can rent cheaply, such as from Digital Ocean.

    Many of these servers seem to have been stopped by the abuse departments of the server hosters. With the result that now it is about 75% coming from Chinese IPs, registered to a variety of Chinese ISPs.


    As you might know, it is not so easy to get Chinese IP addresses if you’re not Chinese or in China. 

    So if Australia sees the same, I have no doubt that it is true. Massive Chinese brute force cyberattacks on any server out there on the Internet. Confirmed. (SILVER STAR) - u have to use your imagination though.


    Do I get a silver star now for the homework, or better a nice little Winnie the Pooh?

    Yeah you get a silver star for your honest assessment as a professional.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, jcsmith said:

    What is more likely? That all media publications in the world are 90% FAR LEFT or that you yourself are so far right it that it just seems that way? 

    Well John K Byrne is the publisher of this tabloid rag:


    "Byrne founded RawStory.com, which was first published on February 1, 2004.[9] The site was originally conceived as a liberal version of the Drudge Report. In the early years, Raw Story focused on national security issues, American politics, and reporting on anti-gay political figures who were themselves closeted gays. Byrne founded Raw Story when he was 23.[10] Byrne interviewed political figures and authors of the day, including former House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) and historian Howard Zinn.[11][12] His reporting also focused on civil liberties, including articles critical of Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama's warrantless wiretapping program.[13] In 2010, Byrne stepped down as editor of Raw Story. He remains the company's CEO.[14]

    Byrne and his business partner, Michael Rogers, acquired the progressive news website AlterNet and TheNewCivilRightsMovement.com in 2018.[15]AlterNet was acquired from the nonprofit Independent Media Institute. The sale was covered by The Wall Street Journal.[16]""


    Could they be any more far left?

  8. 6 hours ago, Andycoops said:

    With the report of 20 or so Burmese being recently deported from Thailand to their homeland and all found to have cv19.

    I think the Thai figures are just the tip of the iceberg due to the lack of, testing.

    Oh no ....just when I thought the masks were all gonna come off soon, and everything was gonna be normal. Really? I disagree, I think the Thai numbers are pretty much on the money based upon the number of hospitalizations and the death rate. And anyway who cares. I am going to live through it for sure, as is my family. I hope we all get it today and that will make us even stronger! But alas we can't find any covid-19 in Bangkok try as I may.

  9. 7 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    That's Q-Level wishful thinking - harkens back to the "sealed indictments" story pre-2018 election.  The deep-state will, at most, throw a few disposables under the bus for show. 


    I'd like to be wrong about that - would love to see Clapper do time for lying to Congress ("not wittingly," indeed) and the FISA-Warrant purjurers hung out to dry - but history indicates that is unlikely to happen. 


    The problem is, Trump doesn't support MAGA any more.  Employers who hire illegals continue with impunity, no fees were put on remittances (treasury regulation), the work-visas are STILL being "fast tracked" right now, with 40 Million + Americans unemployed by the shutdown, the "NAFTA-II" deal keeps the factories in Mexico, and minimal tariffs on Chinese goods only just move factories to Vietnam or India (if that). 


    Trump as POTUS is about cheap-labor for corporations, and Exactly Nothing for the working-class folks who voted Trump, thinking he would re-instate the policies that created and sustained the greatest middle-class the world had ever known.  All the laws he needs are already on the books.


    Then, on top of it all, he bolstered the lying claims of the rioters - pretending that 'systemic-racism' is real.  Well, it is, but only if you are what "they" call "white" and "straight."  Everyone else has extra-rights, and rioters at the ready if anyone gives you any problems - even if the problems were self-inflicted. 


    What is the only demographic that ever votes majority-R?   What subset of those are being put in direct-competition with the poorest of the world for jobs?  Does Trump even want to win?

    Your attack against Trump here is misguided in its blame.

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