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Damual Travesty

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Posts posted by Damual Travesty

  1. On 6/14/2020 at 9:39 AM, TopDeadSenter said:

    In laymans terms, a man that does not want to surrender British culture and history to a revisionist leftist mob. Nice of the police to finally spring into action, although I did not see scenes of mass looting like when the BLM were "protesting". Wonder why the patriotic pro-statue crowd deserved a beat down?

    I suppose no photo of the crack to his head that put him down

  2. 5 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    Some of the folks who are camping out to get front row seats were interviewed about their thoughts of the danger of virus and across the board, all ages folks said they're not wearing masks and they're not concerned one bit. 


    Kum Bah Yah America......

    The strong survive. The weak die. Sometimes that is the way it is. Life is not fair. Never was. Never will be. What if another virus comes next week? Or round two or round three? Another lock-down? There is no hiding.

  3. 5 hours ago, bendejo said:

    Just did some math.  19,000 attendees, and half of them contact the the virus, and half those are over 50 and/or have certain chronic illnesses (like diabetes) the body count would be between 100 and 200. 

    Do your own math, all the stats you need are on the net.

    See ya in 2 weeks.



    Based upon what science do you determine that 1/2 would catch the virus? and also of those by what science do you determine that of that 1/2 of those would be over 50 AND have chronic illnesses? I think these are fair questions for me to ask.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Only white people? Perhaps you need to educate yourself as to the crimes of black people, such as selling their own to slave traders.


    BTW of what colour are those committing crimes against humanity in the DR Congo? What colour was Idi Amin? What colour was Mugabe?

    These people are insane. The idea of attacking a race for anything is in and of itself  crazy. All people regardless of their skin colour are human beings, and violence is something we are all always trying to keep under control. Historically, everyone is guilty of murder and every other atrocity. The idea that anyone should apologize for the acts of generations previous is frightening to have crept into the discourse of what should be rational. Such ideas are definitely not rational and should be feared. I for one am very afraid. A flight from the cities has begun.  

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    There is copious evidence. Every single published set of statistics shows this. Here is just one example.IMG_20200604_111740.thumb.png.f6334d1d5b5e7ad59811911b06c9edf6.png

    Police shootings database

    I notice that this does not mention if the police officer that did the shooting is white.  The people who use such statistics would have you think that a black police officer shooting a black man is racism.


    Also, If you fail to account for the propensity of black Americans to commit violent crime you fail to have a real statistic. Look up the black on black murder rate. From that you will learn that it is far more likely that a black man is killed by another black man then it is he will be killed by a white police officer - and that statistic is in the multiple. 


    Further from the statistic you posted from the WP the following is stated:


    "Police shootings have taken place in every state and have occurred more frequently in cities where populations are concentrated. States with the highest rates of shootings are New Mexico, Alaska and Oklahoma."


    Forgive me but if police shootings take place more frequently in cities of concentrated populations then how can that possibly be New Mexico, Alaska, and OKlahoma?  Shouldn't I be reading NYC Chicago and St louis? Or are they also claiming that Alaska is densely populated?


    There is no racist national police force in the USA. There is no statistics showing that black men are shot in greater propensity, and there is no reason for any of this rioting.  None!


    • Like 1
  6. I honestly don't travel in social circles in Thailand filled with people who would pay attention to such things. My wife's family is Isaan and they barely know how to use silverware let alone chopsticks. Which is not to say they are unmannerly. I am quite clumsy myself when it comes to balling up my sticky rice and dipping it without making an absolute mess of everything ????

    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, BananaBandit said:

    Okay... it seems most of you guys think that, for either most cases or basically all cases, obesity is a lifestyle choice. 


    Then why do we have all these college professors and other health experts trying to talk about complex factors needing complex solutions, etc. etc.... Are they just trying to justify their careers?  Are they afraid to come across as judgmental and politically incorrect?   

    Go to a website to exercise and lose weight. It's not that complex. You just look up your base metabolic rate and eat that amount of calories to maintain, eat less you lose, eat more you gain. Could you be an oddball - the exception THE EXCEPTION to the the rule? Sure you could have some disease, but that is the exception not the rule. For everyone else - eat more calories then you burn and you gain weight. It really is that simple. If you eat bowl of sugar garnished with a doughnut followed by a can of soda and a bag of chips, likely you will be gaining weight quite quickly unless you are an Olympic athlete who is in training all day.

    • Like 2
  8. It's getting harder every day not to hate. Just speaking from the heart folks. It's never been the way I thought but it's where I am heading. In the face of insanity I will not capitulate to the mob. There is no evidence - I mean none - of black Americans being disproportionately killed by the police in the USA.


    There are those however who wish to make it seem so. If a white man is killed by the police it simply is not news. Police forces in the USA are integrated, our largest cities have black mayors, black police chiefs. Even when the offending officer in a death of a black man is himself black it is called racism. It simply is insanity. Racism is likewise holding up groups of people as being beyond racism as if they possess noble humanity that only they alone possess. There is black racism that flows through the BLM movement, you only have to attend one of there rallies to see it for yourself first hand. Any of you done that?


    There seems to be a belief spreading now across Europe, borne in the USA,  that the white man now needs to atone for previous sins of slavery, colonization, and whatever other sin can be thought of. Therefore all of our forefathers monuments must be torn down, and destroyed from our collective memories, as if all men are either good or evil in totality.


    I owe no "race" anything. Not even my own. I reject identity politics, but identity politics eventually forces one to take an identity simply for protection. When that happens God help all of those who think its a good thing.


    The microcosmic example of this is jail, or prison where people are simply forced to segregate themselves to survive. When nations begin to foster and develop political parties based upon ethnicity, for local power, that only develops into a furthered quest eventually of autonomy of region, and finally complete and total separation. This results in National weakness, and finally to be overcome by an outside invader which suffers from no such fragmentation.

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  9. 1 hour ago, heybruce said:

    It's the first time any people have heard of the inverted triangle, but among those who have it is clearly better known as a fascist symbol than an Antifa symbol. 


    So I keep getting back to the question, why did Trump's re-election campaign use it?

    You know, If I was living in the USA right now, I would be very worried. I would have already purchased lots of ammunition and made sure I have a handgun and a rifle ready. I would be extremely concerned if I was lower middle class and living in a a typical mixed raced neighbourhood. I would not trust my neighbours. I would be searching best states to move to to avoid strife. I would definitely be researching how to find work OUT of any city I was living in. All of this is really sad as no such racial divide seemed to be apparent until very recently. I think all of this has been media driven and I do mean all of it. I am not even going to mention politics. But as someone trying to put my shoes into the average America family living there those would be my thoughts right now. Again, very sad. All of this will lead to increased very frightening levels of violence if its not nipped at the bud.

    • Like 1
  10. On 6/19/2020 at 8:10 AM, yuyiinthesky said:

    Black Pete racist? Utter nonsense! Chimney soot is not racist, or is it now?

    It's interesting. If history shows that black Pete was always meant as chimney soot, and especially if Dutch never even considered it to mean Africans, well then, all of this is about nothing. There is simply no way around that. It would then rank right up there with the idea that Bing Crosby singing "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" is a racist song. In the 1960's the Black Panthers were painting Christmas trees black. Jay Z sings:


    "Get ya'll black tees on, all black everything
    Black cards, black cars, all black everything"


    Perhaps black and white is not always meant to apply to race, and attempting to apply it as such indicates a sickness of some sort.

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