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Damual Travesty

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Posts posted by Damual Travesty

  1. 4 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

    Would that apply equally to all religious convictions? Like Islam's convitions of death to non-muslims, Christianity's death to adulterers and gays, Hinduism's .......(hopefully you get the drift by now) as opposed to the liberal convictions that that's wrong?

    Here's a sincere suggestion; try to actually think before putting finger to keyboard.

    I do not know of a single Christian religious sect that calls for a death penalty to be applied to adulterers or homosexuals. Please name one - just a single one.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Morch said:


    But no such issues with filling the seat back in 2016.


    How is a full SC roster essential? Elections or not elections? As I understand it there's a legal procedure in place dealing with cases of a tie. Moreover, there is no reason to assume there will be a such a standoff.

    Because, it is not the time for a tie is it? There is reason to assume that a stand-off could develop. Not assuming that a standoff would develop - only that it could. That is reason enough.



    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Partisan motivations. Priceless 

    The constitution of the United States is quite clear on the matter. There is no ambiguity. The President selects and the senate consents via a vote. If there are not enough votes there are not enough votes and that is the end of the nominee. The Senate can likewise decide as, McConnell previously decided, not to hold a vote in a lame duck session knowing that their will not be enough votes to confirm and therefore not go through the dog and pony show.  It has most always worked this way, and always will.


    A Justice has passed away, the President's party is in power in the Senate, the seat will be filled, the Constitution requires it to be so.

    • Like 2
  4. On 9/18/2020 at 9:34 PM, watthong said:


    It's called the "head I win, tail you lose" tactics, starting with schoolyard bullies where they establish the rule. Then it progresses onto "an offer you can't refuse" and so forth when the bullies grow up and join the gang (name? fill in the blank, for ex. mafia, white house 2020, etc.)


    In the meantime, trolls from moscow farm will tirelessly chirp the chorus of defending the bully/cretin in the white house aka Putin puppet (see the 1st quote above - to be clear of any misunderstanding I'm not aiming at you TDSamurai - I say the 1st quote). Watch out for their rhetoric ala William Barr, a lot of hifaluting verbiage, feigning deep knowledge of (made up) facts and laws, plus a lot of acrobatic phraseology, but what it finally boils down to is like pouring chocolate on a pile of fresh turd (my update version of "putting lipstick on a pig.") Can't fool any one, troll.

    I object very strongly to being called a troll. A direct insult at me without cause that surely is not in line with the rules of this board. The rest of the post is the usual and I will not comment at all.

    • Haha 1
  5. On 9/18/2020 at 8:58 PM, Susco said:

     Trump has made many announcements that there is massive fraud with mail in voting. He NEVER provided any evidence.


    Trump has instructed his appointee at the head of the postal service, to cut back on service, which has now been ruled as unlawful by a court. And the judge has given some instructions.


    I assume those instructions can not be enforced as long as there are appeals.


    Same game Trump is playing with releasing his tax records, which was one of his 2016 campaign promises.


    Same game his son is playing


    Trump's son agrees to sit for questioning in New York probe, after the election




    Let's talk about that after the elections, when Trump lose, which is most likely since he is a born loser. In summation, Trump has repeatedly pointed to concrete examples of fraud, as has his attorney general and the President of the USA is NOT a "born loser". He already won a national election with no experience as a politician, and he is about to win another one, of course I have no evidence of that, other then his packed campaign events vs his opponent.



    Plenty of evidence of mail in voting fraud has been provided and the President is following what his justice department is advising him. Bill Barr has likewise said that voter fraud is an issue here. The US press is filled with instances of voter fraud related to mail in voting, and the word "widespread" is being used as a misleading foil to the truth as usual.


    If Trump was a born loser, he would not be given someone like you reason to spend so much of your time with negative posts that end up with nothing more then a insult.


    I am not sure where you are from so I cannot compare my President to the leader of your Country to determine if which one ranks higher on the ratio of being a "born loser" but my guess is that your national leader has nowhere near the personal accomplishments of President Donald J. Trump, and further has nowhere near the record of free elections that have happened without a glitch, and nor a constitution that has stood for well over 200 years.

  6. The Constitution of the United States of America is quite clear on the matter, as is precedent of 250 years of what happens when the party that controls the Senate is the same as the President. The President has a duty to pick a Justice and the Senate has the VOTES right now to confirm a pick. It is madness to expect otherwise. This poll is pure nonsense. As usual.


    "He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments. "


    It's very clear and there is no clause in here about the last "wishes" of a Justice to try and have a next President make the appointment. She should have resigned years ago, there was a Democrat President and Senate. She did not.


    There is zero ambiguity in the Constitution on this matter. It takes a President and a Senate working together, if they are not of the same party most likely no Justice gets confirmed. That is how it is.


    • Like 1
  7. On 9/18/2020 at 8:43 PM, Morch said:


    You do not any more idea regarding Trump's plans than other posters do. The President did, on more than one occasion, refuse to commit regarding accepting elections results, in case they don't go his way.


    The only history of not accepting the election results is with the Democrat party, and they are still refusing to accept election results. Even now, with a majority Senate about to confirm a new Justice to the Supreme Court the Democrats refuse to accept that this is the constitutionally mandated role of the Senate - a Senate of the President's party hat has the votes already to confirm. The Democrats do not like the rules of the Republic as written down plainly - plain as day in the Constitution. I am quite sure that Donald Trump would graciously step aside which would be the NORMAL thing.


    You are posing a strange hypothetical that goes against what is established law in the USA, and then claiming that I need to prove the opposite of your hypothetical. That is pure lunacy. I expect this election will be contested because the Democrats have already told their candidate to contest it - regardless of the results.


    I pray to God that the election results unfold clearly in a landslide to take the wind right out of the Democrat sails in any attempt to riot in the streets. My "idea" is that Donald Trump is a normal President if he were to lose he would step down,and all of us Trump supporters would demand he did so if he was clearly defeated.  This idea of otherwise is pure made up hysteria - again only the Democrats STILL refuse to accept 2016, and on that note I expect they will not accept 2020 should they lose again - AGAIN! Already they threaten to burn down (the country?) over Trump getting another Supreme Court pick.


    God Bless America, God Bless the Free World. God save us from the rising threat in the East.

    • Haha 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    China is still committed to the Paris Accord, US is not and is putting burden on the world with their denial. China still has much lower emission per person than US.

    As manufacturing shifts from China in the coming years, I would expect China's emission levels to further drop. Quickly. The Stated policy of some European countries, Japan, and the USA is to cease to depend on China for manufacturing. That should have a pretty noticeable effect on China's emissions.

  9. On 9/11/2020 at 4:06 AM, webfact said:

    Some fear Johnson views a no-deal exit as a useful distraction from the coronavirus pandemic.

    These kinds of useless lying statements show up in the news far too much these days. As if people are sitting at a table and someone says "How about as a useful distraction from the coronavirus pandemic we go ahead with a no-deal exit"?  And then someone says, "That's a great idea, pass this on to the negotiators in writing - oh wait let's just whisper it to them this might get out"


    While I suppose it could be true that a few simpletons view there world this way (those who think the Earth flat)  - the manner in which news media parrots, or makes up, or pushes forward such ideas that are ridiculous and childish is just getting old. For the record Reuters stuffs these kind of sideways comments to add flourish into nearly everything they write it seems I think to establish some sort of non-existent controversy, or to push forward the most ridiculous they can find.

  10. 10 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

    10.15am update: Donald Trump confronts Merkel with damning verdict on EU

    Donald Trump told Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel the EU was "worse than China only smaller" and treats the US "horribly" during a tense meeting, a former senior Whitehouse official has said.

    John Bolton, who was the President's National Security Advisor until last year when he left his post in acrimonious circumstances, makes the startling revelation in his new book The Room Where It Happened.

    Mr Bolton also reveals the President's contempt for former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, whom Mr Trump regarded as "vicious" and full of "hatred" for the US.



    Oh yes, the Germans, the regularly poll to have the lowest regard for Americans then any other European Country. Time to remove ALL US troops from Germany - even if the Germans find that as "unacceptable" .

    • Haha 1
  11. On 9/13/2020 at 6:40 AM, simple1 said:

    Obviously, you know nothing of Australian defence posture / investment.

    Obviously I struck a nerve with you on Australians building more ships. There is a bully on the block, if they jump they will wind up at the bottom of the sea. The South China sea does not belong to China. Taiwan is a free Country. Philippine Islands belong to the Philippines. Japanese Islands belong to Japan. Vietnamese Islands belong to Vietnam, and Vietnamese fish belong to the Vietnamese.

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