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  1. That's probably more likely.
  2. Bankrupt the USA like he did with 6 businesses.
  3. Not buy. He wants to take it.
  4. It certainly could be legal if it is part of a larger business he owns and he employs some minimum number of Thais.
  5. According to the IRS website there are agents in Thailand that can help you get an ITIN. It sounds like you take the original passport to them. See the agents abroad at the bottom of this link. https://www.irs.gov/tin/itin/itin-acceptance-agents
  6. This won't surprise anyone who has been to India.
  7. Do you have trouble reading? He sounds like an Aussie. I'm guessing the Thaiger got it wrong when they said he is British.....
  8. If they under filled the tank, it would be completely obvious to the diver. All diving gear has a simple pressure gauge that displays the air left in the tank. Divers check the air gauge frequently while diving. Even if the tanks were under filled, it wouldn't make the dive unsafe -- Divers are trained to end the dive when the tank gets below 25% remaining. There is no reason or benefit to under filling tanks anyway. Most divers just use compressed air which costs nothing, so the company wouldn't be saving any money by under filling tanks. The whole idea that the tanks might have been under filled is the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet.......
  9. What a loser. That guy is an embarrassment to all farangs. He looks and sounds like he lives in that abandoned zoo.
  10. Travel insurance is basically a scam. It's not well regulated and they try everything not to pay even if you have a valid claim. Better to just save the money and self insure.
  11. I can simplify: If you have a medical emergency in Thailand, go to the nearest hospital.
  12. Most expat tax companies are just trying to scare gullible expats so they can get more business. You can't trust them at all.
  13. They can't. There is no way for Thailand to know the source of any remitted income. That's why all this worry about taxing income from your home country is completey ridiculous.
  14. Please show a travel insurance policy that excludes freediving. https://www.worldnomads.com/uk/travel-insurance/whats-covered/adventure-sports-and-activities I think they all exclude free diving.

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