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Everything posted by Phillip9

  1. I doubt they say that because its wrong. Only one 30 day extension is allowed anywhere in Thailand.
  2. People posting here that have been refused entry are usually spending a lot more time in Thailand than you are planning. The only defined limit is 2 land borded entries per calander year. No set limit to air entries. Personally, I don't enter by air unless I've spent some significant time out of the country. Correct, you can only extend once per entry, 1900 baht.
  3. I like to travel. It's often somewhere new and usually multiple countries. My only frequent repeats are Indonesia, Phillipines (both because I like scuba diving), Japan, and New Zealand.
  4. For about the last 10 years, I've been doing 5-6 months a year in Thailand using visa exempts exactly as you describe. I spend a few months in Thailand follwed by a few months elsewhere. The only exception was the covid year I spent entirely in Thailand. I've never had any problems.
  5. Personally, I think anyone using an agent to open a bank account and then depositing a large sum of money there is just plain crazy. The agent is certainly using some illegal means to open the account, and it is just a matter of time until upper management at the bank figures this out and locks you out of your account.
  6. All that thinking and typing and you still got the width of the paper, the thickness of the paper, and simple multiplication wrong. It should be 0.0000044 cubic meters (0.21m x 0.297m x 0.00007m). So you mistakenly calculated more than 4000 times the actual value.
  7. Ok, so now it is obvious you are just a troll who made up a fake story. Get a life.
  8. It was a really bad idea to tell them this. It shows intent of staying long term which is not what a tourist visa is for. It would be much better if you told them you like coming to Thailand for some normal tourist activity like going to the beach or eating the food here.
  9. I purchased a one way fully refundable ticket from Bangkok back to San Francisco before I checked in for my flight. Then I refunded that ticket when I arrived. That's my normal strategy when traveling on a one way ticket, and I don't know how long I will stay in a country because usually the airline will ask for an onward or return ticket at checkin.
  10. I arrived visa exempt. I flew from San Francisco to Bangkok. This was my third trip to Thailand this year visa exempt, and I extended last time, which is my guess why they asked me. I will be continuing on to another destination, but didn't decide when or where yet.
  11. I just arrived to Thailand yesterday, and I was asked by immigration to show my onward ticket. This was the first time I have ever been asked to show it by immigration. I was travelling on a oneway ticket, so I was quite happy I had purchased a real fully refundable return ticket which I promptly refunded after I collected my luggage.
  12. If you consider the money in interest he would lose by parking 800,000 baht in a Thai bank and earning next to nothing compared to leaving it in a US bank and earning 5 - 6 percent, it's actually cheaper to use an agent. I don't think the income method is available to US citizens.
  13. Important to note that the METV only provides 9 months if you do 2 border bounces and 3 extensions during that 9 months. Each entry with that visa gives you 60 days which you can extend once for 30 days. Probably still your best option if you are under 50.
  14. I have the same experience with tickets refunded within 24 hr on Expedia. It looks like they are reversing the original transaction and the exact amount is refunded with no extra fees. Fyi, Priceline.com is another good website to use for that strategy. Priceline gives you a minimum of 24hr to refund a ticket, but usually longer, and can be as much as 72hr depending on when you book. The exact time you have is very clearly displayed when you search for flights.
  15. Sorry, I quoted baht here just because it is a Thailand forum. My account is in USD. I double checked my recent purchase and refund of my ticket on Malaysian Airlines. The fare was charged in USD, and refunded down to the exact penny in USD within a few days of when I requested the refund. I think there was an option to choose your currency somewhere in the process of purchasing the ticket, but I can't remember for sure.
  16. I've booked and refunded fully refundable tickets on at least 5 different airlines, and I have never lost a single Baht to a credit card charge or fee. Do you have any example of an Airline that charges and won't refund some credit card fee for a ticket they say is fully refundable?
  17. That small print only applies after the 24hr free cancellation window. As long as you pick a ticket on Expedia that is clearly marked as refundable for 24Hr, its is easy to cancel within 24 hr of purchase and get a full refund with no fees at all. I've done it dozens of times.
  18. This is certainly an effective strategy that I have also used many times. The major downside is that you have to remember to refund the ticket within 24 hours. After a long flight when I was very tired, I almost forgot to refund the ticket one time, and so I stopped using this strategy. Now I prefer to just buy a fully refundable ticket directly from Malaysian Airlines website which costs a bit more, but can be refunded until the departure date I choose. Refunds through Malaysian Airlines directly are just as easy as Expedia and take about three clicks and ten seconds.
  19. If you were married, she could could get a Non O visa based on being your dependent. But since she is only your gf, that is not an option. Her other possible options are the very expensive elite visa, or to study Thai and get an Education Visa.
  20. That's quite a diverse group. Do you realize that men from these countries have nothing at all in common with each other?
  21. I drove that route recently and found it to be boring, busy, winding, without many great views, and nothing interesting to stop at. I think you are best off stopping at a restaurant in Pai. The route from Pai to Mae Hong Son is much more scenic and has a lot less traffic.
  22. Seems like an ED visa is your best / only option to stay long term unless you get married. I would contact a school or two in Phuket and ask them if they think you can get an ED visa. The school should be able to advise you. If you haven't used your visa exempt entries by land yet this year, you can safely do that twice, and then extend 30 days each time. That will give you 4 months to start with.
  23. They certainly grow mangos and other tropical fruit, but it's a bit harder to find than in Thailand. You usually have to go to the one central market in each town. There are not lots of roadside vendors or night markets like in Thailand.
  24. There is fresh fruit available, but not much other food that is edible. I spent 2 months there and the best meal I had was fried chicken at McDonald's.
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