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Everything posted by Phillip9

  1. It's really not the banks fault. It's the fault of the governments who have made the banking laws so complex that it is becoming increasingly difficult for the banks to follow the laws if the customer does anything at all that is atypical.
  2. Do you know that as a rider, the taxi driver also gives you a review? The review process is exactly the same for both riders and drivers. Did you get notified after he reviewed you? You can't even see individual reviews. You can only see your average review. Your story is obviously total fiction.
  3. How is the FBI going to reopen a port if the Chinese company decides to close it down and refuses to work? I don't think the FBI has much experience operating any of the port equipment. I guess the federal government could try to find replacement workers, but that would be quite an effort if it happened at multiple ports simultaneously.
  4. It's a federal offense, but you get a fine for it. No jail time. It's not a felony.
  5. But they could close down major US ports. Doesn't that seem much worse?
  6. Seems appropriate. The curve of the coastline around Mexico and Texas does look like Trump's big round belly.
  7. I dont think Trump is trying to offended anyone, think it's just another one of his big mouth ideas for attention. Trump purposely tries to offend, upset, and shock people every time he speaks. That is his entire political strategy. He does it to distract people and prevent them from focusing on serious topics. He was absolutely trying to be offensive with that suggestion.
  8. Exactly what every other president besides trump would do. https://apnews.com/article/biden-fire-pope-california-italy-df89b74eec47dc94cc87f51601e44c0d
  9. I know that. I was responding to the other poster who keeps claiming that pilot does not say there was a hydraulic failure. The pilot in the video very clearly says he thinks there was a hydraulic failure and that was my only point. The backup hydraulic pumps are electric and the aircraft clearly had an electrical failure since it stopped transmitting position data and the external lights were off during landing, so there is no way that the backup hydraulic system was working.
  10. Personally, I am against all this name changing of various geographical locations, including the renaming of 9 U.S. military bases. We have an Hawaiian activist in the Hawaii legislature that wants to change the small town of Capt. Cook to a Hawaiian name. None of this BS is going to change history. Denali is a bit of a special case. Many people in Alaska never liked or used the original name McKinley because it was named for political reasons after someone who had nothing to do with the mountain. The state government of Alaska had been asking the federal government to change the official name to Denali for decades, long before this renaming nonsense became a trend.
  11. Singapore and Macau are two other options that don't stamp, but hotels will probably be expensive compared to Malaysia. In Malaysia currently only KL doesn't stamp, all other airports (eg Penang) still stamp. The online form only takes a minute or two to complete. Indonesia seems a bit far. I would much rather spend a minute or two completing an online form for Malaysia than spend an extra hour on a plane to Indonesia.
  12. If this surprises you, you really haven't been paying attention at all.
  13. I'm assuming that even if they survived the bombings, their captors have realized they are not useful as bargaining leverage and killed them. I don't see any reason they would be kept alive at this point. If Israel was going to negotiate anything useful for them, they would have done it before the complete destruction of Gaza.
  14. He didn't mean that losing that engine means losing gear hydraulic pressure. That would mean there's no redundancy which is clearly untrue. Even with both engines and the RaT out , there's nitrogen charged accumulators. Then why was it obvious to him that the left engine was running when they brought the gear up after the go around? The 737 doesn't have accumlators for hydrolics or a RAT. It has an APU, but it's not a RAT.
  15. How will they find out about your income in Australia? They would need to hire lawyers in Australia and take you to court there to get that information. Seems completely impossible they could do that considering how much that would cost and the number of foreigners living in Thailand. No reason to even spend a second worrying about that until we get at least one report that it's happened to someone else.
  16. Travel insurance is mostly a scam. It's not well regulated and they try everything they can to not pay. It's not like real health insurance. I've been in several places over the years where I saw people who had travel insurance, but the insurer wouldn't pay in a time critical emergency and they had to pay out of pocket themselves. You are much better off to save the money and self insure with your savings.
  17. All hell already broke out more than a year ago. And what are the chances there are any hostages left alive at this point?
  18. I'm guessing trump is too dumb to realize that no one in Mexico will be offended by the change since in Spanish the USA is called Estados Unidos, and has nothing to do with America. In every country south of the USA the term America refers to the continents and not the USA.
  19. Not really news. He's been saying the same thing about the crazies in the democratic party for at least 5 years.
  20. In Philippines S&R is the only place I know of where you can get a decent selection of quality imported products. Thats why it's popular with expats. In other grocery stores you can't buy much eddible besides soy sauce, salt, cooking oil, ketchup, junk food and beer. Thailand is completely different with well stocked grocery stores.
  21. I think I'll stick with the dictionary definition, and not a definition one guy made up.
  22. I’ll go with what an expert has to say. The elephant is being ridden and controlled by a human. Isn't that is the exact definition of domesticated?
  23. Fake news. Mod should close this thread.
  24. Steaks??? Maybe if you mean quantity. Certainly not quality. Argentina has easily got us beat with quality.
  25. Hua Hin definitely has a lot of advantages as a place for long term living over Samui. It has lots of nice condos to choose from. Everything is close -- malls, beach, bars, restaurants, hospitals, super markets, night markets are all just a few minutes from most condos. Using grab or bolt is easy and cheap. Traffic isn't too bad. Bangkok is just a couple of hours away by train or taxi. Samui definitely has much better beaches and better air quality, but other than that, everything else about Hua Hin is better.
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