Strange. Appears only the right engine is running. Looks like they tried to do a go around at the last second and didn't have the power for it with only one engine.
Could they have forgotten both gear and flaps due to the emergency and realized it at the last second?
It's actually quite easy to tell. With the rented fake "ticket", you never get a ticket number because no ticket is ever created. You only get a booking reference. If you purchase a real ticket, you get a booking reference and a ticket number.
If she showed them a real ticket, I doubt they would be asking for proof of payment.
Doubtful. They didn't have flaps down either and they landed in the wrong direction for the wind conditions. More likely they had a series of mechanical failures including engines and hydraulics used to lower the landing gear and were forced to land with no power. Probably had no time to use backup procedures to lower the gear.
Read some where they touched down at 3000
Probably had both engines out due to bird strike and had to do a dead stick landing. Possibly forgot to deploy landing gear or had multiple failures and no time to complete backup checklists.
And more than 3,000 will die today (and every day) in automobile accidents world wide. Better spend your time worrying about traffic accidents instead of plane crashes, especially in Thailand.
The address you provide on that form doesn't have to be in the US. Your address in Thailand should be ok, but confirm that with your agent. The lease (or other address confirmation) doesn't need your photo on it---just your name and current address in English. You also need your passport or other official US ID, and that's the required photo ID.
You don't get any set number of hassle free visa exemptions to burn. The longer you have been in Thailand recently, the more likely you are to have trouble entering visa exempt.
Gold has more than doubled over the last ten years. Every time its done that before, it's declined over the next 10 years. The time to buy gold is when no one is worried about inflation. The time to sell gold is when everyone is worried about inflation.
Since this was historically one easiest most hassle free border bounces, I'm guessing this one night policy will be implemented at every crossing, eventually. The border bounce may be ending. Or at least the free border bounce may be ending.
You don't need to go to Antartica to see 24 hr sun. The sun is up 24hr a day for more than a month in Northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Canada, and the US. Including many cities with commercial flights. I've seen it in Tromso Norway.
How does that help him? So he would book a ticket to another country with transit stop in Malaysia? KL can be a rather terrible place to transit. Much better to just book a direct flight to that other country.
This article loses all credibility when they are using terms like "extreme cold" and "froze" to describe a day when the temperature ranged between 18 - 8 degrees C.
That's not much colder than my bedroom at night with the AC on.
E-visa is not new at all. It's been around for many years if you applied for a Thai visa in most western countries. The only thing new is that Thai consulates in countries neighboring Thailand are finally implementing it.
If you are living in Thailand with ongoing extensions, it will have no impact on you since you never apply for a visa.