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Everything posted by Phillip9

  1. I agree, good point.
  2. Seems like almost certainly Ukrainian sabotage. Ships don't just explode and sink due to lack of maintenance.
  3. Seems it was more embarrassing for China. Their reputation will never recover from that It killed over a million Americans. There were very few deaths in China or any country that is an ally of China. You only think it was embarrassing to them if you believe the myth that it wasn't intentional.
  4. Not a grey area with Emirates. Emirates has a very good easy to use travel requirements checker. https://www.emirates.com/sg/english/before-you-fly/visa-passport-information It states "Visitors without a return/onward ticket could be refused entry." The checkin staff were just incompetent or too busy to notice if you were traveling on a one way ticket. In my experience staff at most airlines only ask for a return ticket about 50% of the time even when it is required by the airline.
  5. In Japan very few people speak English and no rental contract will be in English, so unless you are fluent speaking and reading Japanese, there is no possibility of doing a regular apartment rental on your own. Airbnb is available and is the easiest way to rent an apartment for a few months or less. Language schools can also arrange apartments as you mentioned. This is what I used when I stayed for around 6 months and studied Japanese.
  6. Immigration certainly can ask for an onward ticket. They routinely ask my filipina gf to show her onward ticket when entering by both land or air. Those of us with first world passports are not normally asked for it, but I suspect it is quite common that immigration asks people with third world passports if they have an onward ticket.
  7. When China deploys a new virus on the world to counteract Trump and embarrass America yet again.
  8. I wouldn't drink an unpasturized beer in Thailand. It doesn't sound safe. Unpasteurized beers need to be kept refrigerated or they spoil. I doubt Thais will understand the difference between this and an ordinary beer, and many shops will store it at room temperature or hotter.
  9. The problem is that quite a lot of people do short trips multiple times per year. For example, people traveling around the region may enter and leave Thailand 3,4,5 or more times, but only stay a week or so on each entry. They don't want to exclude these people. That makes it impractical to put a simple limit on the number of entries. Probably better they would put a limit on the total time in Thailand each year or something similar.
  10. That is true of every region in Japan. The people, food, and culture of each region are quite different. It's a big diverse country, and not a mono culture like most westerners think.
  11. They were in shambles because they were reduced to rubble by wars. Both those countries have been highly educated and had rich complex cultures for thousands of years.
  12. If you don't like the cold, go to Okinawa, the southern islands prefecture of Japan. Good weather there in the winter and better beaches than Thailand. Just not well known to foreigners because Japan is so big with so many other places to go, most focus on the main islands.
  13. Not exactly. There is no specific limit on entries, but if you do that enough times, some IO will tell you that you've been staying in Thailand too long and hassle you when you try to enter. Nothing about that has changed by air. By land, there used to be a limit of two entries per year, but they removed that limit. But same as by air, the IO can still tell you that you've been staying in Thailand too long, hassle you or deny you entry. I preferred the old way when you knew the rule was two hassle free entries. I think the new way with no limit is much worse because IOs are making up their own rules.
  14. I think you should look in the mirror and ask yourself how you could have possibly ever supported a very obvious evil terrorist group.
  15. Malaysia, Japan and Hong Kong no stamps. What are you on about?? You're wrong. Japan is about 4,000km away from Thailand. I don't think you understand the meaning of nearby. And last time I was there about a year ago they still stamped. Hong Kong is a bit closer, but still 3 countries away from Thailand. I wouldn't call that nearby either. I just entered Malaysia 5 days ago and got a stamp..... They stamp at all land borders and all airports except KL.
  16. The malls and tourist areas decorate for Christmas because it makes them more money. They aren't doing it because they are gracious.
  17. I wonder how many Thais riding motorbikes on the wrong side of the road going in the wrong direction passed by while they were collecting a bribe from this poor guy.
  18. Not including rent or accomodation cost, it is quite possible to live on 20,000 baht per month. If you don't drink or have an expensive hobby, you wouldn't even need to budget or try very hard to do it.
  19. Interesting. I'm in Malaysia now. Entered at Penang and got a stamp. No autogates for foreigners there. Maybe it depends on the arrival airport.
  20. It's very, very common for people to apply for visas in countries nearby Thailand. All the nearby countries except Singapore stamp.
  21. So they couldn't find the intruding aircraft. Doesn't really give me confidence in their competence.
  22. Obviously, that will not occur thus your post is possibly ignorant but most assuredly stupid. It's certainly not ignorant. The comment brought back memories of India to me. Police throughout India actually carry sticks and routinely wack misbehaving people with them.
  23. If you lose your passport, most embassies won't issue a new passport or travel document without a police report.
  24. Since your Thai license is in English, you don't need an IDP in almost every country that uses the roman alphabet. You only need an IDP in a few countries. Mainly those with different alphabets such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan.......
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