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Posts posted by DaftToPutRealName

  1. 5 hours ago, dsj said:

    I don't know why they can't give you your regular plates right away. In British Columbia, Canada as soon as you buy a car new/used you can go straight away to an agent and get your permanent plates. Also you can chose what ever plates the agent have available.

    It's another way for people to flex on how rich they are with a brand new car - I assume there's very very very little desire to phase out another culturally driven social status indicator.

    • Sad 1
  2. 6 hours ago, timendres said:

    "Pol Col Khemmarin said it was all about insults..."

    The killers may have been able to accept this, but...

    "... and lack of respect"

    that tipped the scales.

    They had the slightly upgraded model year of the Click which entitled them to have the wai raised 3mm higher than what they usually would get with the 2016 model.

    Additionally, there are two of them which can be represented as 1 1 which is clearly more of a lucky number than just by itself, hence the 11m caliber.

    I mean, super simple!

    • Like 1
  3. 11 hours ago, zzzzz said:

    kamala phuket and my thai is very good,


    Because culture differs across the country and is largely dependent on where you live, who your neighbors are, and whether or not you're smart enough to understand/interact with them in a friendly conversation (or pick up when they're talking <deleted> about you).

    In most of my travels I've noticed that the capital city of any country has the least friendliest people, and BKK is no exception. Whereas I get plenty of nice invites for a shot of whiskey with my Issan neighbors and nothing but glares from the old BKK folk sans the nice "corner BBQ lady" who is always happy to see me.

    So, if you spoke Thai and lived in a neighborhood with mostly people from BKK - particularly the "salim" xenophobic type - then your chances of having a crappy experience are probably higher than if you're off in the middle of nowhere where that kind of lack of friendliness is less common.

  4. 11 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    This story doesn't make sense.  Everyone who's lived in Thailand long enough must have been hit with the diarrhea before, or some manner of food poisoning.  I certainly have, one time so severe that I had painful stomach cramps, fatigue, and diarrhea for days.  But I never bothered to go to the hospital and recovered.  So to pay 40,000 bt for diarrhea....bizarre.

    Inlaws freak out every time they have a cold, sniffle or huff and want to shoot out to the hospital because it's "so serious".

    The lack of education around medicine is astounding and I've first hand seen the private doctors go back for more and more "tests", "check ups" and "secondary biopsies" when they find out that someone in the family is rich.

    • Like 1
  5. Thai mentality + Thai government stimulus = let's ensure we increase the price by the exact amount of the stimulus + tack our usual price on top too.

    Also as highlighted, to "make up" for the "money they are owed" thanks to the China Flu.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

    trump provides no evidence because his claims are baseless. 

    He is scrambling around to find excuses to avoid facing a vote he knows he is in all probability going to lose. 

    trump now in full scale panic mode. 

    Donald Trump suggests delay to 2020 US presidential election https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-53597975

    I have a registered cat vote that begs to differ.

    Also, the guy is clearly clowning on you all.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  7. 2 hours ago, scorecard said:

    Or will the tourists arrive and experience being shunned by the locals, generating even more damage to tourism.


    Seems to me that our loud mouth deputy PM is partly responsible given his anti farang/dirty farang comments. Perhaps he should consider a few quick careful statements to try to reduce the damage he has done to tourism, to jobs, to income etc.

    *smiling phuket guy brandishing slingshot while mask slips down on face.jpeg*

    • Thanks 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, Greenside said:

    I haven't waded through the whole thread. but it does seem possible that the shame that he brought on the family, compounded by their silence to date, is at last having some effect.  In a previous thread I suggested a boycott of Red Bull products and events, but others felt it would be useless.  The association of Red Bull with "spoilt cowardly fugitive killer" is indeed powerful and will probably hang over the family and brand for many years to come.  Better to try to lessen the damage now in a public way and let justice be seen to be served, I think.

    In my experience, Thai are absolute masters at stonewalling whenever you want something that inconveniences them.

    However, throw in a healthy dollop of face loss and suddenly the gears start turning again. 

    This is just another example of the truth at hand, and probably the biggest negative of the culture for anyone who's sticking around long term. From the cornerside som tam vendor to the biggest CEO of the biggest corrupt conglomerate - justified embarrassment is more often than not the only way to get any semblance of honesty out of people in Thailand.

    • Like 1


    4 hours ago, luckyluke said:


    Addendum :

    It is my opinion that many Thais are not pleased at all with the Boss case. 

    But they also know that if something change in the system in Thailand, it may also affect them, in one way or another. 

    Not something they really wish. 


    And this is what it really comes down to. The same problem you see with endemic corruption all across the world - the possibility of benefits keeps everyone in the game thinking that one day it'll be their turn to borrow a dead friend's ferrari collection.

  10. On 7/29/2020 at 11:18 AM, connda said:

    Two hours praying. That should at least get him a desk job as an IO at the office of his choice.

    And here I am paying into the local economy, investing in infrastructure, hiring on staff and organising my taxes through all the legal channels when I could have just picked up an orange bucket in BigC!

  11. 1 hour ago, Heppinger said:

    Yes that's usually how it goes i think they call it a debt trap.  China pays some sh*tturd politician under the table and the politician sells out his country.  And no they don"t "find out" later that the deal is sh^t, the citizens do of course.  But there's a reason why Thailand is the second largest economy in SE Asia and have remained relatively unscathed over the last 100 years considering all the wars, bloodshed, genocides and general sh*tf*ckery  taking place all around them.  For the same reason why construction hasn't started yet, although they are nearly finished in Laos and waiting to start the crossing at Vientien/Nong Kai.  The Thais are excellent negotiators, and would say more experienced then the Chinese.  That's why i find it pathetic when Westerners on TV label Thai's incompitant or mock Thai nationalism, especially when their own Governments are importing non-stop young male 3rd world religious  zealots by train, plane, boat and any other way possible, while their Western media labels whites as colonizers, racists and violent,  they can't have what the Thai's have so they mock the Thai's, extremely pathetic.  



    I was all on board with what you were selling until you said it was something about being jealous of Thais... whataboutism, much?

    You know, two things can be bad at the same time and both be capable of criticism, right?

    A murderer calling a thief a criminal is certainly hypocritical, but they're both wrong and a thief doesn't get to go "yeah well you cut that dude's head off so it's okay if I rob this 7-11". 

    Just like if there is a delay on construction in Thailand it's far more likely to be related to a lack of brown envelopes rather than a masterful multi-century 5D chess play to avoid invasion through superior culture.

  12. 1 hour ago, mberbae said:

    A new Committee is formed to find out WHY the charges were dropped ???

    Just pick up the <deleted> phone and ask whoever made that decision.

    They can have the answer before beer time today.

    Ever tried to get a manager/boss to be responsible for their actions?

    Oh, he's not in today.

    Oh, you can speak with his assistant

    Oh, he doesn't know - he wasn't there. It wasn't his decision.

    Anyone remember the bulging pants guy who flipped off the ambulance, but lost all testicular fortitude when it came to apologizing and sent his assistant instead when it went viral? Pretty much the standard fare when it comes to Thai men, their egos, and any semblance of "class" that they can use to shield themselves.

  13. 5 hours ago, Heppinger said:

    never heard of the belt and road initiative have you? you will find soon that westerners need Thailand more then Thailand needs them.  

    Is that the bit where they find out that China gave them horrible onerous loans through corrupt dealings with the heads of businesses, only to come back and get their 99 year leases and key port infrastructure before creating a dual economy that kills off the local production who are never in a million years going to out-produce Mr. Chang and his million strong factories?

    I can't wait to see how little we're needed.

    • Like 2
  14. 9 hours ago, Barbara k said:

     why do you bring colour Thai didn't say because you are white they said they can't save foreigners  regardless and why giving example with a black colour  the problem is you not Thai it's true you folk in Thailand searching young women and kids  get a grep and stop being a racist in fact Thai has a right to deny you it's their country an you do to your own country 


    What the actual heck are you on about?

    If you put up a sign saying "No Asians" allowed in any western country you'd get "ALM" knocking on your door.

    Also - learn what a comma and full stop is; you're barely comprehensible "Barbara" (or is it BaaabaLA?)

  15. Yes, it's quite clear that they have no idea how to support external investment or what drives multinationals and startups to come to Thailand outside of "oh, it's cheap" (it really isn't when you add up the cost of all the cultural issues and reliability of locals).

    We've already seen the exodus to Vietnam and I would probably jump ship there as well given better tech infrastructure.

    Things were going downhill prior to the Chinese Flu but now it's a perfect storm of excuses and has highlighted the major flaw in Thai culture - everything is great when everything is great, but they need a committee to decide a committee to oversee a committee whenever anything goes wrong; if you're dealing with time critical infrastructure then; sorry - too bad, so sad!

    Now imagine all the executives who can't get here on-shore, or those who are forced to stay locally on a multi entry visa who now have overstayed their 90 day permission and all the added costs of now having to extend those out to yearly visas and throw away the value of their existing visa -- just ONE such problem that should be easily solved but would require someone to actually be proactive and consider the costs to companies and what that means for the bean counter's opinions on outsourcing in the future.

    I have yet to see ANY value outside of slightly cheaper office fit-outs that justify the head-ache of trying to make things work in an economy and country that actively keeps itself 20 years behind. It really sucks for the handful of smart cookies who have the potential to lead financial and tech services.

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    I went there before and if they had said my custom was not wanted I would been very annoyed. If you think it's right that an establishment can refuse custom based on colour of skin, well...

    The same Thai supporting this sort of behaviour somehow disappear when the topic of Schengen visas, nasty IOs on weekend trips to Singapore and benefits in the USA are brought up.

  17. On 7/23/2020 at 10:34 PM, keithkarmann said:

    When people worry about losing face I just wonder if part of the brain has not developed properly. When you have difficulty admitting you are wrong then you have big problems. Trying not to Thai bash but I have noticed that they have an inbuilt abilty to try and push the blame onto someone else, rather than accept blame themselves. If I do wrong I do not have a problem admitting it and I move on.

    When I met my present Thai wife and something went wrong I usually got the blame. She has improved now and will admitt when she has made a mistake although not 100% yet.


    The phrase I've heard sum it up well is "little emperor syndrome" - basically every family treats their kids/grand-kids like perfect little creatures. They're used to flex on the other parents and all the extracurricular activities as a way for the parents to gain social points over the other families.

    Thus, anything the kid does wrong is a negative reflection on the parenting, so therefore their kid must be perfect.

    What you get when you raise a kid with no objective sense of self worth or accurate measure of skills is an adult who has no idea where they fall on the bell curve, but who believe they must all be above average - because that's what they've been told their entire life.

    In the West we get the participation trophies, but arguably the entire cultural and societal norm focuses around this in Asia so I'm not sure which side of the world is hankering for the bigger wake-up call.

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