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Posts posted by eek

  1. Thanks guys.

    I am flying with China Southern Airlines.

    I arrive at night in transit till the morning. I am traveling solo, so as a female unfamiliar with the area etc, dont intent to head out of the airport.

    So my options are the hotel they offer, or to pay for something better?

    Dont really mind if its a rough-ish one night, i did make seriously considerable savings on this flight, so just giving it a shot to see. Will know if its worth it for another time or not.

    If the free hotel is truly awful, what are my other options, any ideas?

    Anyone ever stay at the southern airlines hotel they offer. I hazard a guess at no wifi...right?

    Thanks again. :)

  2. Thanks all. ..and ty too for tips.

    She hasnt told me what she sent, but nothing irreplaceable. Its just that she tends to take time over the year picking out different things for people, she is that kind of lady. So i know the things she sent would have picked with a lot of consideration, and she always sends things that are truly indulgent and beautiful (last Christmas she sent me a handmade 100% silk top along with some other things).

    Its not the fact the items are always of quality and value, its the fact that she would have takentime to choose and tiime to wrap and write etc.

    I always send her something ive taken time to choose also. Shes my Aunt, but also my surrogate mother.

    Just when you are so far from family (and i do ok!), these small things are more of sentimental value. Something to open and have the pleasure using, that i know was from her Feels like a connection.

    Never mind, whats done is done. Appreciate being able to express..was actually waiting for a few rude remarks! which never came! Thanks.

  3. (If there is a more appropriate forum for this, apologies and please redirect)

    My aunt sent a Christmas and birthday gift to my old address by mistake. I went along to the condo office and informed them. They took down my telephone number and details saying they would call.

    My aunt has just informed me the package has been returned to her with contents missing.

    Im guessing there is no recourse here, but feel frustrated.

    I have no idea if the post office opened it and took items, rather than at the condo.

    Granted, it was my aunts mistake, but im still suprised someone would do this.

    Ever happened to anyone here? :(

  4. (If this isnt the best place to post this in the forum, apologies, and please could you move for me. Thank you)

    I have a B Visa. I want to ship some personal things from storage in the UK to Thailand (Chiang Mai).

    Looking for advice on how to go about this (best companies/kind of costs involved/taxes, etc), please.

    Obviously concerned about hefty taxing too.

    Any advice on this?

    Some friends suggested "DB schenker"..as they know people who have used them. I will actually be in the UK when sorting this out though, so if any ideas, please let me know!

    Two alternatives im looking at also are:

    Ship to Australia (if easier).


    Find CHEAP storage space in the UK (at the moment my stuff is in a garage lock up in central London..so its expensive to keep there).

    I dont have a work permit, so to my knowledge that makes me liable for tax...?

    Many thanks in advance for any leads and advice in this.


    Bad bike accident here in Chiang Mai two weeks ago, Rhesus Negative A type blood before they can operate.

    Please contact Taow on 0895543757 or pm me.

    This blood type is only common to about 1% of westerners and much less common in Asians.

  6. Rancid, your post has thrown me because, honestly, i didnt think people actually considered psychological practices to be so archaic and barbaric in todays age.

    Also, Psychology and psychotherapy are also two very different approaches to mental health (both valid, depending on circumstances).

    Im would like to think the general population in the world today view mental health practices as healthy, without odd stigma.

    Even meditation is a mental health practice.

    Thankfully there is more awareness and a vast array of different treatments and aids for promoting a healthy mind.

    • Like 1
  7. Ok..i just changed the order for a test.

    Amazon WILL ship some stickers to me (if i wanted them), but not the book.

    Guess it was the book.

    Its one of those self-help type books lol (yes, strange creature that i am.. i actually decided to by a self-help book! - first time ok!)

    Guess Amazon thinks i dont need it, and tshirt transfer stickers would be a much better option for me....


  8. Oooooh Semper, i disagree, sorry. Depends on what the issue is. Cognitive therapy for example is known to work on many issues.

    (Sorry, im an armchair psychotherapist lol. i did an elective in psychology in my degree and have a deep interest. The mind is fascinating!)

    Edit: Dont agree about it in the genes either (can be though, just not the only cause). Can be a result of abuse too, and many other things, post traumatic stress, etc. In these cases cognitive therapy rather than medicinal treatments can and do work

    ..but even in the case of drug therapy, if a person truly needs it, still good to know where in Chiang Mai.

    • Like 1
  9. I know we have a topic for medical specialists, but actually seems very little information in the way of Mental Health help.

    Reason im asking is i recently was looking up about Dialectical Behaviour Therapy on google and trying to see if this kind of treatment is available in Chiang Mai.

    Thought it would be a good idea to have a more detailed thread for mental health aid and support groups etc.

    I know there is AA groups around (im not sure where though sorry, so maybe someone could let others know)

    Are there other support groups?

    Are there any good psychotherapists and counselors about suitable for westerners?

    (..and dont worry, im not going loopy (ive always been loopy!). I personally have some anxiety issues that flair up from time to time, and heard that DBT can help with it. Im a very shy person, and thought it might be good to address the anxiety i can get sometimes. Seeking some practical methods, and i would prefer to actually speak with a qualified person, rather than just online tips etc).

    Got me thinking that it might be a good idea to have a thread on Mental Health. ..and maybe it could be sieved through and a pinned topic made...?

    I take mental health as serious as physical health. Life should be about feeling good!

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