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Posts posted by eek

  1. Looking at the photo in the OP . . . it always amazes me how Thai women seem to have no calf muscle definition . . .

    Oh, not saying they aren't . . . a bit of all right, of course . . .

    Many Thai women seem to have little muscle definition in general from what ive noticed.

    Slender/slim and attractive, but lack of tone/definition. Maybe as they dont tend to exercise much?

    (from what i have seen only!).

  2. Time to reprise my Nok Air video made a year ago for the benefit of Thai Visa Forum members ...

    Nice video, attractive girls, and not one exposed plastic pair of tits to be seen. Donates a sense of class, unlike the current promotion.

    If they shoot a new promo video this year, based on the calender, would probably look like a porno.

  3. Nice report rene!
    Just an aside though, everyone i know who rides bangs on about how great the nan road is. I was looking forward to it, but found it disappointing.
    I love twisties and the unpredictable aspect of them, the nan route just seemed too predictable and not very exciting. Am i the only one thinking that?

    Just feel you need to be going at a crazy speed to make it feel exciting.

  4. Unbelievable heat after the rain

    Where? It cooled down nicely for me.. No aircon needed last night.

    nimmen-way. I felt the sauna effect too. :(

    • Like 1
  5. erm but back on topic..i really do hope it rains soon.

    I went to Pai recently..and i cannot even begin to tell you how TERRIBLE the burning was. LINES and LINES of burning in the hills day and night. Filmed a bit of it..will try post on the forum some time when im able to edit it. Shocking really. sad.png

    Sorry for your chocking experience, but this has been going on for for a long time and the 'mountain people' couldn't give a hoot what we Farangs in CM think about it.

    They may not care what farangs think, but that's no excuse to sit by and say nothing. Every drop counts.

    They dont, i know. Nor do they give a hoot about what Thai think. So we should just accept that they dont give a hoot and put up with polluted air...right?

    The resort i regularly stay at in Pai is run by a Thai man and his farang wife, lovely couple, they are sick of it, everybody is sick of it, Thai and Farang alike. Sick because it is bad not only for breathing but also for business. Maybe you havent experienced how bad Pai can get, but it was like London smog had desended upon it. Thick white smoke. Burning to a degree i couldnt believe. Frankly surprised at your attitude Semper, sounds like you are happy to sit back and take whatever life throws at you. Personally, i find it takes little effort to sign a petition or pick up a phone or whatever else THAI people ask of us (as a community) to do. In order to try campaign for better air and life quality. No skin off my back, and in the end if it helps, it will benefit even those of you who are happy to sit and do nothing and just put up with three months of dangerious pollution.

    • Like 1
  6. erm but back on topic..i really do hope it rains soon.

    I went to Pai recently..and i cannot even begin to tell you how TERRIBLE the burning was. LINES and LINES of burning in the hills day and night. Filmed a bit of it..will try post on the forum some time when im able to edit it. Shocking really. :(

  7. re

    I'll even think about washing my truck, if it'll help

    help .. help .... you need help ?

    will she do ?

    enjoy .. dave2

    Ahh but Dave, just like titles such as the "Palace Hotel" and "Paradise Guesthouse" you cannot always trust what is advertised in Thailand.

    Chances are not that you get the girl in the advertised poster..but rather something more along the lines of ...


    Hey..but i bet this girl would get the job done better in any case!

  8. Would seem rude and assuming imo, but im not Thai.

    Could understand if it was crossed wires/language barrier if it was an invitation where we pay for ourselves, but i wouldnt invite someone out and then expect them to pay.
    Someone well versed in English might say "i am going for a massage, would you like to come along too"...which would infer that you need to pay for yourself. ..but inviting someone out some place then expecting them to pay isnt something i would consider ok.

    I do know that when i made suggestions with my ex (who was Thai) about places to go to, he did actually not let me pay. So maybe its a general Thai way that its assumed men will pay, even if a woman makes the suggestion/invitation..?
    Hope you get some clearer answers. Interested to know myself.

  9. A couple of year ago i attended a big charity function at the Four Seasons. Chefs from local big hotels and resorts demonstrated their skills in front of the audience.

    These were Chefs from Italy, France..(and honestly cant remember where else), that were working here.
    Im sorry to not be much help per say, but just wished to let you know that there are working western chefs in chiang mai, so it is possible.

    Of course though, as others have said, i imagine its not an easy avenue to enter into. I would think you would need excellent accreditation and references.

    I imagine too, that the large hotels and resorts are generally the only entry points.

    But nothing ventured, nothing gained! So sincere good luck!! Would be great reading down the line that you actually did get into one of the places. Always good to read positive outcomes :)

  10. It sounds as if it was it at your insistence that she gave up work? If yes then it is only fair that you provide her with a small amount of pin money every month or week, how else is she supposed to buy her personal items. How does she know that after a period of time you dump her & she is left with nothing more than some travel experiences & a few gifts?

    Absolutely agree with Boo and other posters, that if you wish her to give up work so she can spend time with you, then her wanting a small amount of money each month is understandable. Even in the west, housewives would have pin money, or access to funds. It would be humilating to ask for every penny.

    You may actually find yourself better off..as in, you could agree with her that she has to budget for some of her own personal things, rather than ask you.

    Im surprised people are up in arms about this. She is not asking for a huge sum of money, she is asking for a bit of respect. It would be very sad for a partner to feel completely reliant on asking for every small thing. If she wanted to go have a coffee with a friend, or buy herself a treat, or help out a family member, she should have the option to choose. Give her some independance in the form of kitty money, or let her take her job back on.... dont turn her into a child. ...

    • Like 2
  11. Ever see the way Thai women carry their children even when quite large?

    on the hip? is this not more loving,close and caring for their children

    than putting them in a mechanical device to push them along

    Havent read all the thread, just this last two pages, so apologies if ive lost some of the "gist".

    But i did note this quoted text..and felt that i wished to respond to it..

    (Im not a mother, so maybe not "qualified"..but have some thoughts)


    I think many Thai people may not actually have the money for buggies etc..but this is not the main reason i can see for them not having a buggy..

    In general i really dont see Thai people walking much (for pleasure etc) so removes the need for a buggy if you only go from one short walking distance to another.

    Even if Thai did enjoy walking, the paths/sidewalks are also not good for even walking on your own, let alone pushing a pram/buggy. Really could be awkward..and possibly dangerious. So no point having one in that case too!

    Westerners take kids in buggies for strolls in western countries. Its safer and more practical than possibly stumbling with a kid on your hip, let alone exhausing. Mothers in the west have kids on their hips most other times that i can see..but just not when going for walks/strolls.

    • Like 1
  12. Is it possible to have an appraisal done in Chiang Mai at all...? I have my doubts..but just thought id ask.

    Its a european item of jewelry. Vintage. Need an appraisal.

    Would i need to go to Bangkok you think? If so, any idea where?

    Or... online??

    Thank you in advance for any advice!

  13. First one is..when i hit around 110 (flat out) on it, it gets weird surges. (not sure if that is descriptive enough!). Basically, im flat out on it and it kind of loses power then re-engages. I realise its only a 115 cc, so is it just that it has some kind of cap on the power and this is what happens?

    Second question is.. recently ive had a couple of circumstances where i cant use the electric start. Nothing wrong with the battery, just that there is zero power in ignition, so have to kick start it. Its as though something is disconnected. At times if it happens, im able to twist the front wheel a bit, and then it works again. Usually it works again too, after it has been kick started and chugging. Kinda odd!!! So, wondered if anyone has any thoughts on that one.

    (The bike was bought new about 3 years ago. I have done close to 19,000 km on it. )

  14. Havent read many of the replies, but of what i have read, they were the expected replies.

    The irony is, (straight) guys in general would protest and be all "ughhh!!!", if it was a calender of hot guys instead of girls.

    Heterosexual guys like tits and asses, hetro girls like ..other toned and taught "male" physics..etc etc.. nothing revolutionary there, right?

    Doesnt the world seem to be turning more "Idiocracy" on a yearly basis....?


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