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Posts posted by eek

  1. ^ Agree.

    On a recent China Southern Airlines flight, at the end of the flight there was a video showing how to stretch the body etc. A lot of people followed it and did the steps.

    Would have been good if they had done this ongoing on one of the video chanels though..as by the end of the flight its a bit late really.

    However, good on them for trying at least something!

  2. Well..weird thing is its working now. Will post an update if it goes weird again.

    Make/model of phone is Nokia E600

    Yep, friend was in different location. Went to Bangkok for a few days.

    They tried calling other numbers, as well as sending messages, and nothing was going through. (Calls going to answer phone).

    (not sure what you mean lomatopo when you say how do i know if calls arent going through. My friend got hold of me on skype and said they have been trying to contact me and wondered if something was wrong. We tried calling each other via mobile whilst talking on skype and realised there was a problem with either the phone and/or truemove. Not my end, i could call out to other numbers fine.)


    bobl, you might have it right with the topup actually. But, never known that to happen. Weird if true isnt allowing the person to receive calls even if the credit is short.


    Anyway, no idea really. Seems to have resolved itself. If any weird issues crop up with it again, we can check with true and ill post an update. Otherwise just putting it down to one of those weird things.

  3. Sorry sorry David, and wish you well.

    I suffer horribly from swollen calves when flying for long durations. I have to get up, stretch, massage and i even fo as far as doing yoga moves at the back of the plane.

    I dont care if i look weird. I NEED to do it or i feel like my calves will explode. Takes days for them to feel supple again. THey just feel hard and painful.

    I also drink copious amounts of water to stay hydrated.

    Dread to think what state i would be in if i didnt walk around/stretch etc or drink water.

    I see so many people who just sit in seemingly one position the whole duration of the flight, and i cant believe their bodies seem to be ok with it.

    So so sorry for you..

    THank you for posting this important message, and sorry had to be from personal experience.

    • Like 1
  4. Weird thing going on with friends phone. (TrueMove.)

    They cannot call out or receive calls. Messages not being sent or recieved.

    The message when calling the number (in Thai and English) is "The number you have called is not correct, please try again later".

    When calling out, just goes to the numbers voicemail. Doesnt ring or connect.

    Its been the same number for years, with no hiccups.

    Will contact TrueMove if doesnt rectify soon (has literally just happened, and been this way for about an hour now).

    Just wondered if anyone has had this happen to them before.


  5. Is this not supposed to be a fun and enterainment thread? Why all these issues?

    So where is a good place for girls to go out?

    Exactly my question smile.png Its good to see several people now stayin on topic and understanding the question smile.png

    Here is a question for you.

    Do you act this way when you go out because you need some kind of validation in your life? From the way you write, it would seem so... sad.png

    And before you judge.. I am 25 go out most nights... I would be disgusted if I saw any western girls acting the way you describe.. Its not something I have seen in Hollywood or Tiger, and I have seen much less get people booted.

    OP, i respect that you are looking for places to go that certain behaviour would be ok..but i honestly do agree with members such as Jigger.

    Yes i am also focusing on the t*ts and *ss comment, and granted im older than you and your gf, (but get mistaken for much younger).

    Anyway, my point is I used to be a clubber, was also paid at one point to dance by one club (nothing dodgy. Just to get people in a dancing mood). and honestly, ive never seen what you are talking about in clubs..and ive been around Europe and UK. But maybe its a more recent thing. I know that kind of stuff was more for 18-30 Ibiza type people before. Just seems pretty uncoothe..

    Ive also been ASKED to get ON the podium, not OFF.. so makes me wonder what your gf might have been doing that would result in her asking to get off.

    Im not trying to berate or put you and your gf down, but i do wonder as others do too why anyone would want attention in that way.

    But..hope you do find a place were its ok and that you dont find yourselves in any kind of trouble. Would hate to hear of something happening to either of you. SO please be safe.

  6. Just a suggestion (and if this suggestion is buried in the forum somewhere already, apologies)..but how about a Newbie forum catagory.

    Opening posts members must have ..say..no more than 10 post counts to their name?

    Rules are no flaming, trolling...etc.

    They can ask anything and other members are then free to reply or not, but constructively and politely.

    May help to introduce new members to a less "ferocious" thaivisa..?.which honestly it can be..causing members to flee, and some not even returning to read up further on their own threads!

    Anyway, just putting it to you. Thanks.

  7. Im sorry you have to go through that Nuna.

    If a work situation then unfortunately its not easy, but, for everyday situations, if a man takes your smile as something more, why not politely chastize him. You could do a lot of other Thai women good service too if you do that. Just something along the lines of "excuse me? You think my returning a friendly smile means (whatever you think)? Frankly you should be ashamed of yourself. Learn to be a gentleman". You may end up getting tired of this of course though, but just an idea. Maybe they will tell their friends of this encounter and you can try..at least in a small way..maybe change a mindset of some men here.

    If more Thai women spoke up in this way, those men would then get themselves a bit of a reality check!

  8. thank you for recommendations all.

    Im not sure when i'll pluck up the courage to get it done finally, but really appreciate that i can start asking a few different doctors advice.

    Will update as soon as i get my nerve up and discuss with the doctors.

    Thank you again!

  9. Looking for good ENT recommendations. Had a look at the pinned list and only Ram is mentioned. I personally dont wish to go to Ram due to misdiagnosis and serious issues they caused for me, and I feel they are all about the money.

    I still have some deviation of the septum due to breaking my nose a year ago on a motorbike accident.

    One side of my nose also has a bump left over..so also looking for recommendations for a plastic surgeon who could shave down that section.

    Just trying to work out where to start!

    Thank you.

  10. I was merely trying to warn a respectable western lady about the possible problems of visiting such a place.

    If you want to pick some sort of argument, please do it by PM and not in a public forum.

    so what kind of lady are you Tommo? Are you now promoting yourself as a guardian of the moral virtues of your fellow women?

    Respectable woman wanders down LR, post-25861-0-69196800-1359188012_thumb.jand after 2 hours of spying decides to complain to TAT.post-25861-0-50364100-1359188058_thumb.j She proceeds to lecture her hubby on the evils of naughty massagespost-25861-0-54284400-1359188153_thumb.j then further reminds him of cousin Limpet who has the proper sex partner for a man of his age. post-25861-0-66240600-1359188244_thumb.j

    So remember guys, if you hang out on Loi Kroh road you'll never have wonderful wives like these!

    So these kinds of women as wives, or Loi Kroh women, are you guys only opposite sex options.... blink.png


  11. a random aside,,,but when i lived in the UK i noticed my cats went bonkers over valerian tea bags. More so than any catnip. Utterly BONKERS. Ripped the carry bag apart in a frenzy to get at them. I watched in bewillered amuzement.

    • Like 1
  12. *sigh* poor bugger. . .Sorry for traumatising your sensibilities.

    Hope you offer the local lovelys more charm than you appear to have on this forum, as we wouldnt wish trauma upon them either.,would we. . . :)

    edit: in reply to post 35

  13. Can we start with the nasty comments now, pleeease Eek??

    Joking--who would want to be nasty to an Eek?

    Haha...go ahead! I can handle it. May as well have some fun before the thread is closed.

    As an aside I'm writing this with numb fingers as I'm in freezing snow laden UK for 10 days...Oh so missing heat and Thai food. Hoping the snow won't affect my flight in a couple of days time!

    ...Definitely hoping for a happy ending ^^^

  14. Dear all...I'm returning with news that makes me feel a little embarrassed. My Aunt recently received a second parcel with all th's rest of my gifts returned. I have no idea why two separate packages turned up and different Times. I can only assume then was possibly an issue at custom s. I feel restored faith that nothing was taken, and, as I said, a little embarrassed now. Just was usher to pass on that all items were returned. Thought members may like to know. Thanks all for the support.

  15. Back,.hoping for more advice please. I'm in the UK briefly and have whittled down my item s in storage to just one trunk, which I'm going to post to Thailand. In it will be used clothing, some sentimental items such as childhood toys, photos, letters, and some small electrical items (beauty items..ie hair tongs etc). All items used. Is there anything that is potentially VERY taxable there? Thank you !

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