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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. 3 hours ago, starky said:

    Well using due precautions including isolation and full quarantine should be sufficient it's sufficient for everyone else right? 

      We are only talking about 3 people. Despite other misgivings I may have about the present governments covid response. I think the willingness to repatriate their citizens from India in these times shows some willingness to protect their citizens that may not always be apparent. 

     This gesture should be applauded not denigrated IMO.

    we will see ......I think there is a difference between a more transmittable dangerous Covid mutation and a pneumonia or something. Thailand is not exactly the country at the moment that is working for their people to get protected.. They missed the bandwagon and are now far behind.. That is a a difference too with other countries.

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  2. What a shocking news.... I wrote already a few weeks back that this was the case. Same in schools. If 1 student gets a cold the class will get sick. Some more than other kids but it is normal. Here in Thailand they seemed shocked that if you live together, eat together and sleep together you have a great risk to get infected by Covid if one of the family memebers is infected. A mask in the car will not prevent that. Thailand re invents the wheel time after time

  3. Be fair, this is the result of an incompetent Government. They had enough time to prepare and order vaccines for the people. But they only think about the brown envelopes and own wealth. Now people can register for a jab which will be given in June .. that is another 4 weeks away and a second jab after 3 weeks  and than another 2/3 weeks before you are protected. So in fact between 6 and 10 weeks from now  few million people are getting protected . But the Sinovac vaccines are not reliable, what will happen if they are vaccinated and the vaccine refuse to do its job?? It could be worse 

  4. 11 minutes ago, foreverlomsak said:

    3 questions if I may

    Who has told you that you have to pay Thai Tax on your pension?

    Do you have a tax ID in Thailand?

    Which country does your pension come from and what is the Double Taxation agreement between them and Thailand.


    Yes I have a tax id number, and there is a agreement between Thailand and my country. And to prevent double tax I have to fill in a form and sent it to my tax office in my country. They will inform my pension fund not to withold tax and than I have to pay tax in Thailand.  But the taxoffice in my Amphur doesn't want to stamp and sign my form, but they said that they would like I pay the tax in Thailand.  So first I have to pay tax here and see how I get my paid tax in my home country back. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. I had a similar situation first they told us , only for married couples. but that is not possible yet. Since a few years they are surprised that I  still not registered at the Amphu , and the cam up with legalizing my passport and  translate it and legalize it .. But that I don't do yet for the costs and time it takes.  But now I will get my pension and now they want I pay tax here. I wen to the tax office to get a stamp that I don't need to pay tax in my country, because they deduct the tax before they pay out, but the tax office here can not do it. First I have to pay here 1 year tax and than they maybe give me the stamp. But I have to pay tax 2 times in this year and they told that I have to try to get my tax refund back in country. That can take 2 years, so no option. Very easy, If they don't want to register me, I don't live here and I don't need to pay tax too. Easy living than

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  6. I don;t have a pink id card or a yellow book. They want I first go to the Embassy for a legalised copy of my passport and than let it translate and legalize again at foreign affairs in Bangkok.. for me it is not worth making all these costs and spend the time  for doing it. I went several times to the Amphur and always the same .. They even are surprised I have a tax number and live here already for 16 years .. and everytime they tell me why don't you have a pink card.. and I answer the same.. give me one and they come up again with the legalized copies and translations...So I stopped asking

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  7. what is the use to vaccinate personnel working in a malll. Every body has to get vaccinated. If the people in the mall are vaccinated than I am still in danger for other visitors of the mall who are not vaccinated ...and that are probably more people than the people working in the mall. Besides that is the private sector willing to help the Government , as Prayuth blocked the buying of vaccines by the private sector

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