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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. Gay marriage is boosting economies all over the world in the countries that have accepted it.. Thailand however could have accepted a long time already but deays it year after year.. A bid for the World  pride in 2028 is too early I think as the country has to show that the LGBTQ+ movement is fully accepted with equal rights for several years... So start with the Gay Marriage asap 

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  2. The land of the unknowing.... Lonher openinghours means more alcohol consumption and drugs results will be more accidents, people more stressed by the noise of karaoke bars and other music pollution, and the people who work n the bars a far worse health, because they don't have a living anymore, as they have to sleep during daytime...And the worst part is the selling of alcohol during daytime to prevent accidents and at night when they are tired and drugged you can drink as much as you want... and for the tourists?? People who are in the bar the whole night are not the quality tourists they wnatto have and as long as there still underaged people found in the entertainment venues , it is more time to control and that than extend the openingshours

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  3. It is true 1 or 2 am is more than enough... The government has rules for alcohol sales hours in daytime, but at night there is no problem to buy.. and how many accidents are happening in the early mornings??Besides drugs use is common all over the world to stay up late and imprvive the fun. THailand is not different. Which normal people will go out till 4 am during weekdays?? They don't go to work?? And the people working in the entertainment you can't expect they give p their normal life. Working at night is not good for your health and besides that in a very noisy society as Thailand sleeping in daytimes is very difficult. And the same is for the people living around an entertainment venue.. They have to work the next day and when the club/bar or whatever is open and the noisy drunk visitors go home, or even fights, and the very loud music from the boxes with drums which you can hear kilometers away, people will sleep worse, which is not good for their jobs example less concentrated...The whole idea is stupid to open the entertainment business till 4 am.. an idea of someone with no brains otherwise he.she would have thought about it better.. And tourists.. they don't care.. If the tourists want to go to the bar till 4 am it are not the tourists Thailand is always aiming for

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  4. 1 hour ago, NoshowJones said:

    "A western tourist weight 85 kg which is very normal".  Really?? At 6ft tall if I was that weight I would be well overweight. What is the average height of a westerner? 5ft 8ins or thereabouts? That would make a westerner of 5ft 8ins and weighing 85 kg very overweight.

    your weight in cm above one meter is normal....no overweight... so 1.85 and 85 kg is normal... 165 65 kg normal too... Know what you are taking about


  5. 2 hours ago, dcalaska said:

    The average weight of a passenger with luggage is 84 KGs. Ticket prices should be set on this average weight. Paid at booking.

    Step 2: At check-in, weight the luggage AND the passenger. If the weight is under 84 KGs, a refund is due to the fuel saving lighter passenger and luggage.

    If the total weight is over 84 KGs, the fuel consuming heavy passenger must pay a fuel surcharge.

    Simple as that. Fairness is good for everyone. Everybody wins. How can you argue that.

    stupid post.... A western tourist weight 85 kg which is very normal and with 20kg luggage they all have to pay much more, than an Asian who weight 53 and 20kg luggage will get a discount?? Bit strange...but when the Asian brings 20k luggage and 10k as handluggage which I often see in airplanes it would be no problem.. So only westerns are being overweighed constantly

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