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  1. it's weird, so why did the dealer ask for the original passport? It was not some random dealer it was an authorized BMW..
  2. Such a pain in ass this whole procedure, I am married and submitted all the documents you stated above, they accepted them and told me there is a queue so you might need to wait 2-3 months. I am waiting 8 months already, nothing from them. Called them once, they said they will call me back within a hour, no one called.. Sorry for my useless comment, just saying for me it is a real pain in ass obtaining these documents.
  3. in kasikorn you can do 5mil daily but 2mil per transaction, anyways you can do 2mil,2mil,1mil within minutes. So yeah, setting a daily limit is important.
  4. Hi So, long story short, I purchased a new car from an authorized dealer, and they asked me to leave the passport with them for 1-2 days once the time comes to receive the white plate. I assume they plan to go with my passport to DLT and register the vehicle. However, I did not like the idea of leaving my passport out of my sight, so I told the dealer that I would meet them at DLT and we would do it together so I could see the passport,etc. They agreed. My question is: Once we get into DLT for vehicle registration, does DLT also keep the passport for days? or it's just a normal procedure to see the original passport? Meaning, I would receive the passport same day or like within hours or hour I don't know how long this procedure takes, so if anyone had experience please let me know. Thank you
  5. Actually wise to kasikorn transfers in seconds, like 5-10. Did that 2-3 days ago.
  6. Don't know about other places, but an appointment for an extension based on marriage is not needed ( it was canceled )
  7. Agent makes everything easy; I did the extension for the first time with an agent company. But I did not like the idea of giving them my passport for 1-2 days. Also, I asked if I could keep the passport and meet you at the immigration and give you the passport on the day of application, but they said you must give us the passport 2 days before application. I think its not like they need it 2 days to lay in their office, I think they just want to do all the applications of other clients as well, in bulk But sure, the whole process took around 15 minutes to get my stamp with an agent. I would do it again if they allowed me to keep my passport.. and give it at the day of application.
  8. Hi @DrPhibes, did you ask someone from officials there, or just because of that picture that specifies exactly what they provide? I am asking because somehow my agent was able to get me the under consideration stamp there, an extension based on marriage. Also, not planning to use agent this year so just wanna be sure, if IO near the airport is the only option. Thank you!
  9. Yeah, this time, I'll go to some branch that opens at 8:30 near airport IO and update there before extending the visa.
  10. Yeah, they are doing some extensions there, tourists for sure. There is also like a space named : Background check, when I first extended my visa via agent, he did get my stamp at centfest, 1 month under consideration. And than I got the 11 month at the IO near airport. I guess he could do it at centfest, maybe because of agent-immigration officer connections or smth.
  11. Hi CMBob, I guess you have been through that. Do they require bankbook update on the same day as application? in that case How can I do that if immigration opens at 8:30 - 9 am and banks open at 11 AM, also the UPD machine for kasikorn bank seems to be not working for my bankbook, so I have to update it manually via branch manager on their device or w/e its called. Asking that because I want to go to immigration as early as possible.
  12. can renewal be done at central festival chiang mai immigration? or must be done at the immigration close to airport? I did once with an agent, they got me under consideration stamp in central festival and told me to come for 1 year stamp at immigration close to airport once the under consideration date is due. Thank you
  13. Yes I need an appointment or yes I can just walk in the immigration. On their website there is no option to book an appointment for a marriage extention
  14. Is it required to make these booking? Can't I just go in and take a queue number, Chiang Mai immigration office.
  15. Hello, I am planning to extend my marry visa in Chiang Mai, central festival immigration office, do I need to book appointment or something? Or I Just walk in with the documents and do all on the spot?

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