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Posts posted by scammed

  1. huawei sux in hardware and especially battery,

    i also made the mistake and it was barely usable,

    i didnt bother to carry it with me since it would just die before the day was over, i just had it on constant

    charge until an app required an update at which point i bought

    a phone i can actually use, oppo a9 2020 with 8 gb ram & 5000 mah battery

    • Like 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Please read your own question: a good quality bike for a heavy guy for less than 1000THB.

    Next thing you will ask for a sports car for that price.

    we both misread, its 10k and he isnt asking for electric propulsion, i think he can find it on alibaba for about that cost,

    and custom wont be a problem when its not battery powered

    • Like 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    You have to understand what the graphs are measuring and what they are not measuring. But it's ridiculous that you, a non-scientist, think your unsophisticated opinion actually counts for something in a highly technical field like this. Clearly it's just your political opinions leading you to a conclusion that pleases you.

    i am data analyst by education and value my analysis higher then media hype

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  4. 5 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    When something new in science, like Relativity comes along, it does take a while to be universally accepted. Like epidemiology in the 19th century. But both are universally accepted now. At least by those scientists and non-scientists who also accept that the year is 2020.

    if data supported the hypotheses that there is a correlation between cases/masks/deaths, then every chart would

    show it, but they dont, that sums up my conclusion and point of view

    • Sad 2
  5. 37 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    No, accept scientific conclusion as conveyed by the media as the best possible source.

    the raw data is available to me, admit i havnt checked

    https://www.worldometers.info & https://www.statista.com

    data is valid, but i also havnt got that interest to dig if their data is accurate,

    and i dont expect media could even be arsed to check data,

    they are happy to sell sensationalist buzz words, end of..

    there is no scientific consensus, and even if there were,

    that is also nonsense, as demonstrated by the 100 scientists agreed Einstein was wrong

    • Sad 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, RPCVguy said:


    This shows a lack of the ability to read a graph. The ones I posted are PER 100,000 PEOPLE IN THE STATE. My larger graph cover all states for the past 12 weeks - showing cases are rising per capita in the GOP states, and then inserted it shows the deaths per capita, again rising most in the GOP states. It is labeled correctly, but you've neglected to read the labels.

    Then, while the discussion is focused on the USA elections, you are returning to mixing Sweden into the conversation even as you post an unlabeled death chart at the top. The culture and behavior to consider community needs among Swedes is not what exists in the USA. At the rate of deaths per case in the USA the total deaths for the USA would rise into the millions.


    same in USA, no correlation between cases and deaths


    usa daily new cases.jpg

    US daily deaths.jpg

    • Sad 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, polpott said:

    No you said lowest in Europe.

    @polpott: Belgium is a very different country to Sweden. Try comparing Sweden to it's immediate neighbours, Norway, Denmark and Finland.


    so i did just that, compared to denmark which is a neighbor to sweden, since you thought that for once would put sweden in a bad light, but alas sweden model still trumps all your efforts

  8. 4 minutes ago, polpott said:

    Media tells truth but their assessment doesn't agree with your agenda. Very Trumpian.


    BTW. The Spectator is a right wing but well respected media source in the UK. Not prone to sensationalism.



    media is not a  respectable source, they are prone to sensationalism, its their work description to publish sensationalist headlines, to make a buck

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  9. 2 minutes ago, polpott said:

    I've already illustrated how it fared worse than its neighbours. Britain one of the worst? Read and weep.




    Wearing masks caused you to crash your car? Very Thai! Good one. More novel than brake failure.

    media wants to makes headlines, their assessment is worthless.

    yes, the mask directed my exhaust breath straight into my eyes

    and agitated them, i am now technically blind on my left eye,

    and it takes triangulation to pinpoint distance, which is also a requirement to pinpoint speed

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