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Posts posted by scammed

  1. 9 minutes ago, polpott said:

    Thailand. I've shown you the stats. (yet again), and you choose to ignore them. Sweden's approach has failed, even the Swedish government now admit to that. Pity you can't.

    we will be able to compare the two in a couple of months

    when the balance is calculated,

    that is to say, the testing and accounting just isnt good enough, we need to see if there is any anomaly in countries after new year

    as compared to previous years

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, polpott said:

    No lockdown. No tourists? Good for me.

    yes, for me personally it balances itself out,

    exotic gourmet  food is now nigh impossible to get my hands on,

    but i suffer less traffic jam, but i got pension so

    i am not personally affected so much by the horrific economy.

    but every other thai that must work to get an income are in a very hard time, i lend out what little i can to help them out

    in this self inflicted catastrophe

    (not the workers but the politicians)

  3. 16 minutes ago, polpott said:



    Sweden:   Cumulative Covid cases 96K      Cumulative Covid deaths 5.9k


    Norway:   Cumulative Covid cases  13k     Cumulative Covid deaths 267


    Denmark: Cumulative Covid cases  30k     Cumulative Covid deaths 643


    Finland:   Cumulative Covid cases   10k    Cumulative Covid deaths 346


    Actually doing very badly compared to its neighbours who did enforce restrictions.

    Even Sweden now admits that it got it wrong.

    which nation has seen a lower death rate as of late then sweden ?

    Screenshot (55).jpg

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  4. 1 minute ago, polpott said:

    No lockdown in Pattaya. I was out until 1am on Walking Sreet Saturday night, had a great time. Out locally tonight, I'm sure it will be the same. Intend to visit several bars tonight but won't get round them all. Still too much choice of bars, restaurants and women in Pattaya. There's life in the old girl yet.

    the town is half dead because no tourists,

    half the shops are closed

  5. i think its a hint to what the future holds,

    next step is eye scan at birth and eye scanners

    all over the world to check every last individuals whereabouts

    at all times.

    part power grab and part in response to technology,

    soon enough any individual can cause more havoc on society

    with modified virus/improvised explosives/jammer of aircraft

    then an individual could when all he got to his disposal was a blunt club

  6. 1 hour ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    Regrettably your time line is too short to validate that conclusion and with the very low comparative numbers the cure rate is likely to be better.


    We can all hope that the death rate in the USA is not going to rise, that is in my opinion not going to be the case.

    yes, i too think its just too early to draw a final conclusion.

    i'm also eagerly awaiting new year for a balance sheet

    of deaths and compare to last 10 years if deaths this year was significantly different from any other year

  7. 13 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    you should be aware that deaths trail by between 2 and 8 weeks so November is going to see a continuing rising death rate

    or not, i can post several nations that show no correlation between cases and deaths.

    if your hypothesis was worth its salt, you would see a correlation every_time,

    but alas, your hypothesis is falsified by data


    Screenshot (55).jpg

  8. 16 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    I was referring to the US.




    (I'm not sure you can log in if not a subscriber)


    Worldwide it is +22% over the past 14 days.  UK is +121%


    As ICUs in several European countries are now full/near full capacity we can expect more increases in the next 1-2 weeks before the new lockdown measures start to have an impact.  Definitley in the UK where the situation is quite bad.


    I would add that while death reports are fairly complete for western countries they are not at all so for India and possibly also not for some parts  of Latin America...and these account for a huge number of infections. So the worldwide figures err on the low side.







    see my post directly above yours where i address US daily deaths and trend for the past month

  9. On 10/30/2020 at 6:07 PM, ravip said:

    The Swedish COVID-19 experiment of not implementing early and strong measures to safeguard the population has been hotly debated around the world, but at this point we can predict it is almost certain to result in a net failure in terms of death and suffering. As of Oct. 13, Sweden’s per capita death rate is 58.4 per 100,000 people, according to Johns Hopkins University data, 12th highest in the world (not including tiny Andorra and San Marino).

    Full article

    the average age was >80, time was up for them regardless of covid

    • Like 2
  10. 55 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Hospitalizations are increasing rapidly. You don't see that as having consequences in regards to the level of mortality? 

    i still havnt come across a shred of data that the much vaunted 2nd wave is going to be ohh soo much worse,,

    as is the trending narrative, the cases are up, but the death toll has roughly flatlined. i know a couple of US states that are on increase, but i see no difference in them two with one having lockdown & mask and the other neither,

    fluke or unknown data play a part in this

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  11. ok i only got anecdotal evidence, but a girl i caused an accident for became unemployed cause the hdd factory closed due to governments lock down, i suggested she could take up an offer made by another company but they also got forced to shut down due to governments lock down policy.

    or short version, i think this is bs, i got friends that went unemployed due to lock down also, not to mention half the small businesses around here has shut down due to governments lock down policy

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