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Posts posted by scammed

  1. 1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Hey, it is climate change. We should all wear masks and keep that from happening.

       Oh yes I am being sarcastic, in case you missed it.   I am a senior as well, but I

    would rather live another 20 to 30 years, thank you very much, so I do care how

    people act.    I would like to see the young people from 6 years and older to wear mask

    when ever they are out in public.   The Red Necks, and anti-maskers, and  such

    can just stay home and order in.   Cautious and serious minded people who care

    about others as well as them selves can go about their lives.  The rest can go to blazes.


    or put another way: you are retired so you get your pension

    regardless how indebted the state, businesses, and workers get as they feed you your pension.

    that matters not to you because you wont pay it off,

    that is someone elses problem, things are fine

    as long as you get yours

  2. 35 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Ask the mods....


    18) Social Media content is not to be used as  source material unless it is from a recognized or approved news media source,  the source of any such material (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube  etc.) should always be shown

    i referred to your unsupported claim "as most stuff on YouTube is fake or conspiracy theories."

    you got no logical reasoning nor any shred of statistics to back that slander up, thus you are producing and spreading conspiracy theories and misinformation

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  3. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Seems you just discovered the weak spot in her case.

    Some of us actually know what farang teachers get paid.

    Wonder if she's got a work permit for the restaurant?

    Obviously the cops knew the drugs had been delivered ( they don't go around raiding restaurants on the off chance of finding parcels with drugs ).

    Seems she was set up. I could speculate on the obvious reason, but that would be a conspiracy theory, so won't.

    i guess i am daft, what isthe obvious reason ?

  4. 21 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:


    Hopefully , at least some of them will work , and not make people suffering any side - effects ...




    No back to the ' old normal ' then . Never .

    There is very little chance that many small businesses will survive this ...


    the obvious response is to ban schools, resturants,

    and any businesses that causes humans to interact, for good

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Mark Nothing said:

    If you think about the concept of "vaccine" logically it is ludicrous to take a perfectly healthy person and inject a foreign substance into the body in the name of health.  It simply sucks the vitality and life out of you while the body attempts to erradicate the toxins leaving your body in a depleted state.  

    it has its uses, but for me, when i weigh the ease of which it infect, and the target group along with mortality rate on young people, and the horrendous economic impact,

    it just isnt worth the enormous effort for society,

    although for individuals if they can afford it and think its worth it, be my guest and fund it yourself

  6. 47 minutes ago, transam said:

    I am sorry I asked now, as you really are in a hi-so world of your own with blinkers on..????


    Are you saying your Sweden has no unemployed, no low paid jobs, no lost businesses etc, and that the whole of the Swedish populace are all as smart as you....?

    well actually, sweden never shut down so they are doing

    comparably well compared to the populations with dumber leaders

    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, scammed said:

    except death rate doesnt tend to trail numbers of cases in sweden, death has flatlined.

    ed: i mean death due to covid has flatlined, death from all other sort if reasons continue business as usual,

    so i expect death will go on as it has been doing for eternity,

    so far there is no indication covid had any implication whatsoever,

    despite what the drama queens will want you believe

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  8. 41 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Stop posting incorrect information.  CV19 deniers point to Sweden as the holy grail.  It's been pointed out that they are way worse off than their nearest neighbors.  And yes, it's spiking again.  NOT dropping.



    no, they are 2nd best compared to the neighbors



  9. 8 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Tally as in totals, which obviously are continuing to rise for both cases and fatalities at the world level, as I said.








    But you get the same kind of trend line if you look at the rise in daily reported cases around the world, which more reflects the current and increasing levels/rate of virus spread.




    as einstein would have put it, in a small region of spacetime,

    no conceivable experiment can distinguish swedens death toll from achieved herd immunity, this is what one would expect

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