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Posts posted by scammed

  1. 1 hour ago, onthedarkside said:

    A post falsely claiming that coronavirus deaths in the U.S. have not been rising lately has been removed. Along with another post claiming a false survival rate for U.S. CV cases.


    And unfortunately, by necessity, a goodly number of regular posts replying to and quoting the false info ones that were removed.








    The current U.S. case fatality rate among confirmed CV case is 2.5%.





    please elaborate what you mean with 'lately',

    because you will need to hard core cherry picking

    start date to make out a rising trend


    US daily deaths.jpg

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  2. 4 hours ago, ukrules said:

    There's also something else worth considering which you may not be aware of, viruses compete against each other for control of the host and it's thought they prevent each other from infecting.......it's not known how or why they can do this but there's plenty of references to it if you dig deep enough into prior research - I suspect that therein lies a preventative cure for all colds and influenzas.

    imo, that is an extra ordinary claim that requires extra ordinary evidence

  3. 12 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    It's still the availability of women that attracts many guys but they don't like admitting it including on this thread, it's always an alternative reason, weather, golf

    by that statement i take it you have no idea what it is like to live in -30c, to have winter over half the time,

    but its real in a large part of this snowball earth.

    we are currently in an ice age, inter glacial or not it is

    of no comfort for those sods that got that ticket

  4. 47 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    I think we all get both sides of the argument and there is potentially some valid points on each. But if you were the actual decision maker you have to look at the facts and decide.

    I can't see any reason, or conspiracy theory, as to why my Government in Australia, New Zealand or the French govt etc would lock down except that they've done the maths and worked out that the best overall outcome to save lives is to wear masks, social distance and to have some form of lockdown in major breakouts.

    It's easy to be cynical of governments, but I am not an expert on this topic, and sometimes you have to accept that, and let others who are, decide. If someone can show me why a government would find a lockdown desirable, without resorting to unproven conspiracy theories, please let me know. 

    A lockdown in extreme circumstances  is harsh but it is effective.

    If simply separating the vulnerable would work they would do that. 

    To just say that I want to be free to live my life, lets call it a Trump approach,  sounds nice but evidence suggests it leads to bad outcomes. Not sure if being free means that you are happy to wear masks and social distance.

    Look at the Unites States today. Is this the outcome that is satisfactory to you. There are less deaths now, due to doctors learning how to deal with it, but still 1000 per day and rising. The above average deaths for 2020 are higher than the toll suggesting the figures are underreported. Then there are many with lingering side effects.

    The vaccine is objectively not far away. Chill. Keep people safe and if cases get way out of hand lockdown for a while.


    in case of data analysis, i am an expert by education and politicians are

    amateurs. for what reason they resorted to group think,

    that i am less sure about, powergrab/flawed group think/fear/worried about how to play for upcoming election/there is probably a whole lot of irrational thoughts they wouldnt even be able to define

    • Confused 2
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  5. 2 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    It's been proven Sweden's approach didn't work.  NO herd immunity, much higher cases and deaths than nearby neighbors, and an economy that performed worse than these neighbors.


    From your source.  We know death rates follow cases by 2-4 weeks.


    no, from my link, we know death doesnt follow cases,

    there is no correlation, try harder

    • Like 1
  6. 17 hours ago, YorkshireTyke said:

    Just for playing games

    that means at a bare minimum 6 GB RAM,

    games is by far the most demanding app around.

    on the 2 GB RAM joke, i got scammed into buying one of those, the response time was so abysmal i had to buy a proper phone with 8GB RAM (oppo a9 2020, 6.8k baht),

    my maid that are destitute and got a broken phone was going to use my old POS,

    but she recognized within an hour that she would rather not have any phone at all over having one that only add aggregation

  7. 9 minutes ago, rabas said:

    Old nonsense.


    Check out EU hospitalization rates, setting records.



    Check out the now rising deaths in Spain and France. Death follow hospitalizations.


    its the last pic you need to look at, this pic,

    that trend is universal from all nations,

    it was a spike half a year ago and it has more or less flatlined

    to business as usual.

    it is worth note that sweden that

    did nothing dont see even this modest increase, its a complete flatline.

    in case you missed it, there is no correlation between more tested positive and death rate

    Screenshot (53).jpg

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