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Everything posted by DBath

  1. She’s My Little Rock and Roll - The Rolling Stones
  2. I agree and have used similar tactics (I'm a big fan of the headlock in the appropriate situation). Running, for me however, is out of the question - as has been proposed by a few others here - I just can't stoop to that. Walking briskly - hell yeah!!
  3. '...Male mental patients' same as crazy Thai's who hate farangs. ????
  4. I agree that it's best not to engage and do whatever one can to diffuse the situation, but that shouldn't translate into NOT being aware of your surroundings and/or reading other peoples body language and facial expressions.
  5. This is a good point. Even though I grew up educated on how to use firearms, I never hoped I would have to use it, because usually the criminal has the upper hand and the element of surprise. When I lived in Chicago I had a concealed permit and carried EVERYWHERE I went. God forbid I would have ever had to use it, but at least I could have (maybe) had that option, if the need arose. Have you ever read the crime page of the Sun Times? I think not. I lived in the safest part of the city on Dearborn Street and there were 3 shootings in 2 months where two people were killed within one block of my home. If you lived in a place like that I think it would change your perspective considerably. I've always been aware of my surroundings avoided going out late at night and the wife and I walked a lot in that city. There were many times I encountered groups of a certain shifty-eyed demographic and was thankful I had my Glock with me. Luckily, I never had to use it, but I always made sure I gave serious eye contact with those types of people, so they would not size me up as a 'victim'.
  6. I identify most with blues, as well as classic and southern rock, but there other genres I would be remiss in overlooking. I've always had an aversion to placing labels like 'the best' or 'the greatest of all time' on any song or artist, because there might be better ones I've not experienced and - let's face it - we all have different likes and dislikes when it comes to art, music and even sports. This song by Roberta Flack is one of those songs that don't fit the genres I usually prefer, but it is probably the most beautiful song I've ever heard. Roberta Flack - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
  7. A fantastic piece by Jeff Beck...I recently bought a Fender Strat and am teaching myself to play, but I wish I could play like him - he's mastered the tremolo on this piece. Tal Wilkenfeld plays a sweet bass for a 21 year-old - she would have been around that age at the time of this video.
  8. Formaldehyde
  9. I’ll Take You There - Staple Singers (with “Little David” Hood on bass)
  10. Respect Yourself - Staple Singers
  11. When I was 10 years old, The Monkees were one of the hottest things going - I even used to watch their tv show religiously. I recall they caught some serious flack when excessive lip syncing by the group came to light.
  12. Did you know that Leon Russell wrote the Carpenter’s hit “Superstar”? I find that very interesting given their styles seem to be at completely opposite ends of the music spectrum.
  13. Well, I'm sorry to say this, but as a 'billionaire' I've better things to do with my time than go back and forth with the likes of you. So, have a nice (miserable) life and good luck improving your 'trading prowess' in the future. ????????????
  14. Different Drum - Linda Ronstadt & The Stone Poneys
  15. Back in the day we teenagers who lived in smaller cities would go driving on weekends, typically on the 'main drag' to pick up girls and such. The primary movie theater in my home town (Fort Collins, CO) was playing 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest'. The movie was very popular then, so there was a long line of people waiting to get into the next showing. As we drove by, I heard someone in the car behind us stick their head out the window and yell to the people waiting in line, "The Indian talks!!!" I almost died laughing at that one for many years to come.
  16. Yes, vocally rich comes to mind...
  17. That was a a memorable part of that film - The Outlaw Josey Wales. BTW, is that the same native American that was in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest? Mmmmmm, Juicy Fruit!
  18. Breakaway, now there's one I haven't heard in a while. Why is it some songs get lost over time. That said, I don't know if I could pick a favorite by this group - I have so many (God Only Knows, In My Room, Surfer Girl, Don't Worry Baby, The Warmth of the Sun, I Can Hear Music....). These were great songs, IMO, that defined the memories of my teen years.
  19. Parallels of today's world? The more things change, the more they stay the same? Perhaps....
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