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Everything posted by DBath

  1. Many conclusions could be drawn here...
  2. I love The Beach Boys and Brian Wilson was the brains behind them, IMHO.
  3. It appears as though you've hit rock bottom and have started to dig....
  4. No offense, but the bar is set a little higher for some of us.
  5. Perhaps you've become jaded from all that money you lost investing in bitcoin and/or the stock market. Better luck timing the market, next time.
  6. Could be....much like your love for 500 TBH per night hotel rooms????
  7. I get all the free food and drinks I want with my Marriott Ambassador status using some of the millions of points I've accumulated. They get me into the nicest rooms, too - upgrades to an oceanfront room are free and I always get upgraded!!
  8. No pics, camping with tv's, fridges and showers sounds like something up your alley; and If I did have pics I wouldn't share them with you - that might taint the fond memories I have.
  9. This coming from the guy who brags about staying in 500TBH hotel rooms. ????
  10. Not when you fly week-in and week-out for 20+ years, like I did. Besides, the client was willing to pay for it and with the miles I racked up was able to book first class for my personal travel - without ever spending a dime.
  11. I’m anxiously awaiting Conde Nast’s ranking of countries with the most broken man-hole covers - and I’ll be shocked if Thailand isn’t in the top 3. ????????????
  12. (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman - Aretha Franklin
  13. You've Got to Hide Your Love Away - The Beatles
  14. Bell Bottom Blues - Derek & The Dominos
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