When I was in 5th grade elementary school teachers would give you the board if you got out of line and in my class they even had a placard on the wall that said, "Hot Spots", which was a list of those who were naughty enough to get "the board", so me and another kid decided to make a contest out of it. If you were so fortunate as to get 'paddled' a check mark would be placed next to your name, so me and the other kid - his name was John Sussex - were far and away the 'leaders' of those who most frequently got 'the board'. Mr. Osborn was our teacher and one thing we quickly learned was to make sure we never got the board from the woman who was our English teacher, because the board had holes in it and she would exact a painful punishment. Mr. Osborn, on the other hand was a bit of a cream puff, so we mockingly made a joke out of the "Hot Spots", with yours truly taking home the booby prize.