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Everything posted by DBath

  1. Bernard (King)
  2. Bewilderment
  3. Pffft... How rich and how typical, everybody who has a differing opinion or - in this case - fact, is either a MAGA or a racist. I happen to be neither.
  4. Pffft….China closed down, all right. They literally, locked people in their homes so they couldn’t leave to even buy groceries - how civilized. They also tried to cover it up, as opposed to allowing other countries like the US to react. The US was one of the first countries - if not the first - to block flights from China early on and it’s president was accused of being xenophobic for doing so. Get your ‘facts’ in order. And let’s not try to compare the US and Canada 200 years ago to today’s China.
  5. “….the incident was a disgrace to what they called the outstanding family friendly image of Pattaya.” The beer I was drinking sprayed from my mouth and nose immediately upon reading that!!! ????????????
  6. I’d prefer to use the term ‘two wrongs…’ Add to this: China sprung covid on the world, Uyghur persecution, rampant air and water pollution - along with various other human rights atrocities and I believe I’m entitled to ‘cast all the stones’ I want.
  7. I have no problem with China being a top manufacturer and a top polluter - of their own country. I do have a problem with them infiltrating foreign countries to steal trade - and other - secrets and using finance leveraged extortion to strong arm their foreign partners. I’ve lived and worked in China and have seen firsthand the inner workings of the CCP and it is no joke. You can even go on the FBI’s website and peruse hundreds of open ‘espionage’ cases against CCP operatives, if you’d like to see just the ‘tip of the iceberg’. It’s freely available to the public…
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