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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 3 minutes ago, Italian guy said:
    1 hour ago, jaywalker said:

    That this is even a news item is pathetic.


    Anywhere else the opposite would be news.

    Here IT IS a quite piece of news. Btw do we want to talk of corruptions in other parts of the world like South America or Africa?

    Fair enough about other "developing" countries, but that doesn't make it any less pathetic.

  2. 6 hours ago, starky said:

    "for Thailand at least,"  is what I said and if you have been to a gun shop or bought a gun in Thailand you would possibly have better understood my reference. This ain't the US mate. It's apples and oranges...Google it. A glock 19 will run you @500 in the US seen the same model here up to @75000 baht what's that? @2200? Big difference 

    Just because something is stupidly expensive in Thailand doesn't mean that they "should be" more expensive or that it is somehow engraved in the cosmic firmament (though I'll admit that getting it to change has no chance).


    Does it make sense that a bottle of mediocre wine costs the same in Thailand if not more than a bottle of premium wine in the US? No it doesn't.


    Somebody else mentioned import taxes. So the gov't pays import taxes to itself???



    I know it is what it is, as I used to involved with a Thai company that imports parts for the Thai military, and they had to mark up the prices by 200% - 300% just to be able to afford the back handers to get the contract(s).


    It is what it is, but that doesn't make it right.





  3. 17 minutes ago, connda said:

     I know what you mean.  A phone was something attached to the kitchen wall or on a desk.  There was no Internet.  Kids went outside to play.  I spent a lot of time in the woods with friends, fishing, building forts, playing games, and as a teenager I had paper routes, washed cars, painted houses, worked at a grocery store.  I was always busy. At night I'd read - books - made of paper.

    I got addicted to reading books young also.


    I've loved them every since.


    I recall my Dad getting angry with the phone company and he ripped the phone off the wall and tossed it in the back yard.


    I think it was about a year before we ever had a phone again.

  4. 46 minutes ago, greatwhitenorth said:

    back in the day, when you where out of the house, no one could each you.  miss a party and you had to wait to Monday to find out what went down, have an "enemy" and when you got home from school the hassle was over.  Nowadays everything is in your face 24/7..  the cell phone and social media have changed what is important.  Just go to a tourist attraction, everyone is facing away from the site taking a selfie.  Young people are lost without social validation constantly.

    I recall when my company sent me my first Blackberry. I thought it was slicker than snot, till the company 8,000 miles away started trying to micro-manage everything I did.


    I have shunned smartphones every since. I despise and detest the damned things...but that's just me.

  5. 42 minutes ago, starky said:

    Exactly the gangsters won't be buying the sigs, the rtp would be too excited about getting there new heavily subsidised, for Thailand at least, toys. As for all the weapons these sigs are replacing though weeeeell let's just say I'm sure a few may fall into the wrong hands.


    Retail for the Sigsauer P320SP is $879 USD if you buy just one (Google it).


    I'll go out on a limb & say a volume discount for buying 150,000 of them might/should apply.


    Bt23,890 is $728 USD. so it's 4,936 baht cheaper than retail.


    That's not much of a heavy subsidy.



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