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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 9 minutes ago, Dustdevil said:

    The average subcontinentals are not familiar with lining up. At Dubai's international airport they have to be scolded and redirected by the Arab ground staff. The Pashtuns from Afghanistan are still in the dark ages. I was on a Fly Dubai flight from Qassim to Dubai and the flight attendant, an Arab woman, had to tell the guy to flush the toilet!

    I worked in Abu Dhabi for a spell. Not a bad assignment...except for the Indians. Especially the one's that think bathing is a waste of water.


    They'll walk over you trying to stand in line. I had to school more than one of them on what it meant to wait his turn, but it's hopeless when there's 40 or 50 of them & there's only one of me.


    Also their habit of standing half an inch behind you when they do bother to stand in line.


    I went to pay my phone bill one day. It was 1998 & they had ONE machine in the entire city, where I could key my phone number in, then slide some currency into the machine.


    I'd always go at 2:00 PM, as the whole city shut down between 1:00 & 5:00 PM & the phone company lobby where the machine was located would be deserted.


    I suddenly smelled something that smelled like wet dog fur & felt something touch my elbow.


    An Indian was standing 1/2 an inch off my back, counting his money for the machine.


    In this HUGE, EMPTY lobby, he just HAD to jam his smelly nose up my ass. I went ballistic on the guy.



    • Haha 1
  2. What a retard. Deserves to rot in prison. What if he'd killed an innocent child (or anyone else for that matter)?


    I used to hang out with a guy in Florida when we were in our early 20's (partying, chasing women etc). We went our separate ways & 25 or so years later he set fire to a house. The old man inside died. No idea if he meant too commit murder, but he did. Convicted of 1st degree murder.


    He's currently serving LWOP (Life WITHOUT Parole).


    I hope this scum-bad gets the same.

  3. 16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Flooding during the parade! Been kept pretty quiet. I didn't see anything on here about it. Pity as I'd have enjoyed the laugh.

    Once again, Pattaya authorities prove they couldn't manage a piss up at a brewery, as we used to say in the service.

    Perhaps they should have had the parade along the Jomptien Beach Rd instead.


    Did the sand they deposited along the walkway where it got washed away before vanish along with Pattaya's "reputation"? I remember that thread.



    Here ya go.



  4. 44 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    If a person does not have the skills to acquire new skills, then they are likely to become unemployable rather quickly.

    They already know everything!


    Thai will be the Lingua Franca soon etc...



    I've worked with some Thais in the past (was hired as a trainer/consultant), & tried to show them proper, expedient, efficient ways to do things.


    They had ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST in proper, expedient, efficient ways to do things.


    They just didn't want to learn. Fairly young guys too, between 20 & 30 years old, so it wasn't like trying to teach an old dog new tricks.

  5. 1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


    The poll asked why visitors were here so it seems to make sense they would not ask full-time residents. 

    I know if some random person on the streets of BKK or anywhere else in Thailand prefaced a survey with "Excuse me Sir. Do you live in Thailand or are you just visiting?"


    #1 - I wouldn't answer & if I did, I would LIE thru my teeth.


    "I just fell off the last 747 that landed. Been here 36 hours. I love everything about Thailand."


    The only people that piss & moan about Thailand are anonymous internet folks, & 99.999% (errr, make that 396.3%) would not say anything negative to a Thai stranger.

  6. 11 hours ago, rooster59 said:
    Rest from work         52.3%
    Tourism                     46.8%
    Visiting friends          13.1%
    Trade Shows             11.1%
    Seminars                     8.9%
    Visiting relatives          8.1%
    Another 10.5% said they were in Thailand for meetings, business, governmental business among other things.

    Add the above = 141.9%


    Add the figures below = 396.3% 


    11 hours ago, rooster59 said:
    Asked about the best thing about Thailand the foreigners said:
    82.8%    Tourist places
    79.7%    Nature and the environment
    79.1%    The safety of the food
    77.5%    The economic development of Thailand
    77.2%    Infrastructure - such as airports, Skytrain, MRT and mobile networks.


  7. 6 hours ago, wgdanson said:

    What a load of rubbish. It's in the middle of the town. I think the phrase 63 yr old Buddhish teacher explains it all. And as for the cars with rear end damage....the ones at the back are to blame.

    Could be the BOZO that pulled out in the traffic off a soi.


    If the guy that hit him couldn't see him, then he couldn't see oncoming traffic (asumming he even LOOKED for oncoming traffic). He tossed a coin and lost.


    Agreed for the folk that rear-ended others. 


    But then again, TIT. The folks who GOT rear-ended will probably get a ticket for "Stopping too suddenly".

  8. 1 hour ago, Russell17au said:

    The ones that I have seen in operation don't seem to require much maintenance except to put them on a charger to recharge the battery, much like you do with a mobile phone and to put another roll of paper in them. I know of some police forces using them and even some councils using the same type of thing for issuing parking infringements quite successfully, so I don't really think there is much in the actual way of maintenance of the machine themselves but maybe more in the communication system they are connected to.

    Yes, I was referring to the infrastructure as a whole.



  9. 1 hour ago, Russell17au said:

    The police have applied for an increase in their budget for the purchase of new E-Ticket machines. My understanding of how the E-Ticket machine works is that the machine is linked to a central computer and the penalty is set in the computer and the offense has a specific number. The machines that I have seen, the officer just puts the license number or the vehicle registration number with the offense number into the machine and it automatically prints the ticket with the name and address of either the license holder or the name and address of the registered owner of the vehicle plus the penalty. I am not sure how it is connected whether it is via wi-fi or through the mobile phone network, but the ones that I have seen in operation work quite well. But they are not in Thailand

    Aaaand, there lies the problem.


    The "M" in Thailand stands for Maintenance.

  10. 38 minutes ago, Pattaya28 said:

    Good place to wait.

    What is the speed limit on Sukomvit ?

    Too much miscellaneous Bullsh*t on the sides of the roads (carts, food vendors, signs, trees, etc) to really be able to take notice of most of the signs while watching out for the psycho drivers, & also keeping an eye out for Kamikaze cops walking out in the middle of the road, plus the signs aren't very big, and many have faded paint, so who knows? 


    There shouldn't even be any bushes to hide behind.


    Install radar permanently on signs & overhead crosswalks, but then they'll probably be like Pattaya's CCTV system & half won't work.



  11. 11 hours ago, crazygreg44 said:

    finally a smart approach to rooting out the reasons of most accidents.  Stick to it and do these checks every other day until Thailand's roads are safe.


    Yet, there's one objection I would like to utter.  Seing the picture reminds me on HOW HOT it is out there.


    I hope they issue daytime heat & sunshine fit police gear for those involved, as going clad in the brown poly-crap uniforms plus helmet won't make them last the heat for long.  Allow police to wear light gear, summer cotton shirts and light trousers and some light headgear to shade the face, and they will begin to love their jobs out chasing traffic law violators


    It often makes me wonder if not their unfit thick and uncomfortable clothes are the main reason why police rarely is seen in the open doing the job police in other countries are supposed to do. Maybe it is because it is actually way too hot in these garments

    I've been saying that forever.


    Their uniforms now are just solar panels with buttons & zippers.

  12. 20 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    You could collect your licence at the Police station the following day (or evening) upon payment of the fine. Unless there was an authorized stop with a senior office present and receipts issued the 'on the spot' payment of the fine was a bribe....


    In this case 'going official' will still give room for the 'on the spot bribe' as the 'infraction' will not be entered into the system until the Policeman does so !... 


    As with everything 'law' related in Thailand the weak link will always be the humans enforcing it. 

    The below quote from the article makes me wonder what ever happens to all the paper tickets given to officers that never get used.


    "There are still some left in the circulation,” Maj. Gen. Jirapat said in an interview. “They can still be used, but they will run out soon, because the new forms will replace them … I think they will be all gone within the next two months.”

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