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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 11 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    Your choice of cliche betrays you lack of understanding of the situation.

    What do you think they eat?

    A lot.


    "What do elephants eat? Not surprisingly, elephants eat massive amounts of food — ... The smaller Indian elephant eats less — but still a lot for you or me — a maximum of about 330 pounds (~150 kg) [per day].


  2. 7 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

    Captive elephants aren't just "turned loose " they are housed in large sanctuaries where they can live a close to natural situation. I'd play are simply  released back into the wild they will almost certainly end up in conflict with humans.

    Sounds good. 


    I'd wager most of the bleeding hearts never think about how much an elephant eats though.

  3. 1 minute ago, farcanell said:

    NACC, needs “tools” to apprehend politicians thought to be engaged in corruption. (From link)


    maybe they can have new “tools” to play with, once they learn how to play with the tried and proven “tools” already at their disposal.... like photographic evidence of undisclosed wealth.... a malfeasance trivialized by mr “no tolerance” just yesterday


    TIT.... it will be abused! Guaranteed.


    No worries. Whatever they buy to snoop on each other will be broken in a month or so.

  4. 15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    The president of the anti-corruption commission on Thursday tried to play down concerns over the possibility it could soon be allowed to wiretap and intrude on internet privacy by saying 80 other countries had done the same.

    There's a 190+ countries where they have mostly effective traffic laws and enforcement too, but I don't see them jumping on that bandwagon.


    There's a lot Thailand can learn from other countries, but they sure do seem selective about which ones they want to adopt.


    BTW - I'm no fan of gov't spying on its own.

  5. 2 minutes ago, kurtmartens said:

    Lets be happy they don't look at ex-pat forms or Thaivisa.com might be a quieter place.  Why not charge the US/UK/EU/RU folks 1,000 Baht or more as well - I've seen plenty of less than quality tourists from those countries.  I don't see many Chinese walking around the streets (far from the beaches) in either wife-beater tshirts or no shirt at all, riding their rented motorbikes with no mufflers (thinking they are on a Harley when its a Honda Click! LOL), etc.  We love to bash the Chinese tour groups, but plenty of low quality Western tourists are around too.  Just not in tour groups.

    Key point here - NOT IN TOUR GROUPS...

  6. 3 minutes ago, kurtmartens said:

    This about sums it up.  We own 2 small  (30 room size) hotels in Thailand and Laos and get a lot of independent Chinese travelers staying with us.  All very friendly, quiet and happy to spend for a quality stay.  (Thankfully we are too small to attract large tour groups.)  Honestly, these independent Chinese travelers that stay with us are less "trouble" than the US, UK or European guests as a whole.



    One or two locusts aren't too bad either. It's when they block out the sunlight that they become a problem.



  7. 3 minutes ago, Thai Ron said:

    No topic more likely to incense the forum membership

    Lots of butthurt farangs still pouting over the Thais' wholly understandable decision to start courting tourists from other parts of Asia while the West

    was in the middle of a financial crisis and still trying to work out whether or not it could afford bus fare to get here.


    As an exercise in diversification, it worked well enough.

    Tourist numbers kept rising and contrary to what many still insist on believing, the cash registers kept ringing.

    OK maybe not in the same areas that farangs favour - brothels, boozers and hand shandy massage parlours - but in Thai-based businesses that pay tax


    Yes the Chinese can be annoying but, while I can understand the Thais being particularly pissed off about them, i don't know why foreign migrants here think they have a right to have a dig.

    It's not our country and let's be honest . . . . I've not heard of a Chinois being nicked for keeping a dead body in a freezer or arrested for interfering with children.

    I'm sure the Thais prefer a few unruly scrums around a hotel buffet to finding a Thai child on a bed with a farang. :sick:


    We can't exert any influence on who is or who is not allowed to come to Thailand on holiday (thank God)

    Collectively, we seem to have this all-encompassing delusion, this breathtaking arrogance that, somehow, we know better.

    We don't and if the Thais wanna find their own way, it's no one's business but theirs


    If all the shops between Pattaya Beach Road & 2nd Road were demolished, and it was all turned into a highway to cope with the masses of Chinese tour buses (just one example), then maybe the masses of Chinese wouldn't be so noticeable.


    Same with immigration lines at the airport & such.


    "Facing a deluge of Chinese tourists that has strained its airports beyond capacity, the Southeast Asian nation is spending billions to upgrade its infrastructure"


    That's a Thai person saying that. Not us farangs. We are agreeing with her!


    Many of have also pointed out that due to endemic corruption, precious little of those billions spent on infrastructure actually GET spent on infrastructure.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, soistalker said:

    The Chinese are all very similar to each other; there is very little differentiation between them. And you have two types of Chinese: loud and louder.

    I was working with/training a platoon of Taiwanese Army guys once near Taipei.


    My translator was a captain, Cpt Kang. Nice guy.


    I desperately wanted to get a red hat for him to wear so I could pick him out of the crowd.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, varun said:

    Typical Thai trait of blaming everyone/everything around them, except themselves.

    The years of misery are caused not by Chinese tourists, 

    but the inept watch-flashing, kickback-taking, non-asset declaring,

    dissent-squashing & jetski-scamming Somchai's and their band of cronies.


    If the amount these incompetent idiots wasted in purchasing GT200 bomb detectors, submarines, radar guns, digital clocks and overpriced microphones was instead, invested in infrastructure, we would be in a very different place right now.


    Som nam na. 



    Well said.

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